Blue hippo tang

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist, there are some people who disagree,but what I use is Kent Marine Garlic .It comes in a bottle and is very strong. Others believe its better to use fresh garlic ,which can be quite messy after peeling,mashing,then applying the garlic to the fishes food . With the kent garlic,all you need to do is to use the dropper to apply the garlic to you fishes food,its that easy .


I have a magic bullet knock off that I got on QVC. I put the garlic in the machine and puree it really good. Then I put a frozen cube in the garlic and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Finally I dump the whole mixture into the tank. I'm sure you could chop it and it would work the same. I just puree it because I read somewhere that the juices are where the "magic" is. It is important that you use fresh garlic and that you don't let it sit too long or the active ingredients will evaporate.


I only use about a half a piece of garlic. My fish devour both the garlic and the food so I don't think it would foul the tank. Maybe someone else can chime in with an opinion. I do have to warn you that my house smells like garlic for about half an hour after I do it. It's kind of gross, but my fish love it!


Active Member
Garlic from the bottle is virtually useless. Allicin, the beneficial compound that comes from chopping/crushing garlic, begins to break down in a matter of minutes and won't be useful in less than an hour. You should always use fresh garlic when you want to supplement to help boost a fish's immune system.
I have a hippo tang from 2 inch now to 10 inch or more for 2 years no HLLE . They are extremly easy to take care of. Feed them with vitachem and pellets and give them some seaweed twice a week.
I don't know why nobody mention this but MAKE SURE THEY ARE NOT BULLY. They have to live a peaceful life, which includes no chasing around, No not enough food, water doesn't even need to perfect.
Hope this help