Blue hippo Vs powder blue


Active Member
which one do you like better?
any ups or downs to one over the other??
would love pics and any other stories/details

thanks in advance


Active Member
Originally Posted by MarcB
I just like the look of the powder blue better. Also, would avoid every idiot who comes over saying" Oh look its Dori!"
hahaha. it happens alot but its all the little kids who realize it.
the one advantage of the hippo imo, is the deep blue color. the powders a little more aggressive while the hippo is more sensitive stress


i LOVE the powder blue. i want one so friggin bad. if i didnt have a 12g nano, i would totally get one. WAY better than the hippo


Originally Posted by bill109
which one do you like better?
any ups or downs to one over the other??
would love pics and any other stories/details

thanks in advance
Well I like the powder Blue better just for the looks. But the blue hippo tang is really really friendly. Also I have heard hippos are ich magnets. It is all really personal preference. And the powder blue can sometimes be hard to care for. If your tank is big enough i would go with both. But if I had to choose one I would pick the powder blue! : )


Both look great IMO but the hippo is way less aggressive. Powder Blue fall into the aggressive catergory IMO.


Active Member
i would love a powder blue, but as i read more and more into them they seem to be very aggressive..
there are plenty of caves and what not. im kind of worried about it getting comftorable in the tank after 5 months and deciding it wants to be boss...
i had a hippo for 2 years and it wasnt a problem. just a problem to find healthy ones. i like to find them at the smaller size as well


I have a powder blue in my 150... very agressive fish. Absolutely hates the lawnmower blenny and especially hates the lunare wrasse. Otherwise it doesn't have any problems with my other fish. Very beautiful fish, highly entertaining and active. It's hard to get a good picture because he's constantly moving. These are the best ones I have.



Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I have a powder blue in my 150... very agressive fish. Absolutely hates the lawnmower blenny and especially hates the lunare wrasse. Otherwise it doesn't have any problems with my other fish. Very beautiful fish, highly entertaining and active. It's hard to get a good picture because he's constantly moving. These are the best ones I have.
any particular reason why he is more aggressive to those 2 fish?
the only wrasse i have is a 6line


Yeah strange it is aggressive to the lunar. The algae blenny is understandable since it would eat it's beloved algae.


I voted for the Hippo. I have one and he is very friendly. I have read that Powder Blues are pretty aggressive.
I vote powder blue. Almost all tangs are considered ich magnets. I always read the powder blues were aggressive but I had one that was much bigger than anything else in my tank and he was as passive as can be. He was a big and all he wanted to do was eat. I think I got lucky with his temperment (according to what I read) and I would definately have him over a blue hippo, which I also had at the same time.