I was at my lfs and I have a 29 gallon still cycling but once it is done I wanted to know if I could get a small like 1" Blue Hippo tang, I know they can get big but how quickly then would it out grow the tank?
under good conditions a hippo will grow fairly quickly .. in a 29 i wouldn't reccomend getting one they, like all tangs, enjoy haveing plenty of room to swim around.. i have one in my 125 and he spends all day zipping back and forth across the front of the tank. you should really think about getting some smaller fish gobies blennies clowns whatever but i wouldn't reccommend tangs in a 29gal. not saying he won't live but he will one day outgrow it and won't be as happy as he would in a larger tank.. whatever you do good luck to you
Even while small they prefer to have lots of room to swim. I would not recommend putting him into a 29 gallon tank. They are really prone to disease as well. Not really a beginner fish. You may want to try something like either a clown, gobie, or blenny. These stay failry small and are easier to maintain.
I'm afraid I also have to cast a no vote on the tang, but there are ALOT of great choices for your size tank, so grab yourself a guide, and browse till you find something suitable to what you are providing. (picking fish is the REALLY fun part, enjoy it!!)
Good Luck