Originally Posted by wilsonreef
Just remember that Tangs need a varied diet. I have 1 yellow tang, and 1 blue hippo. Both are almost 2 years old. I feed them Marine Cuisine, Emerald Entree, dried seaweed sheets, and I pulverize fresh shrimp freeze it then put some in the water. They eat as it thaws. I wll say one thing both of my tangs are really big eaters. My Yellow Tang is about 4" long and My Hippo is about 5" long. A friend gave me some Calupra (sp) and I put it in just for them to eat, it didn't last anytime. Also, vegetable content in their diet helps in the prevention of HLLE.
I totally agree with you on the diet for a tang. We had 3 yellows and one hippo and we plumped them up nicely feeding frozen: omega3 enriched brine, mysis, marine cuisine, emerald entree, squid, prime reef, krill and dried seaweed sheets all soaked in garlic extreme. They were the reason why we have more food for the fish then ourselves!!!