Blue is sick - tail looks bloody


Staff member
Its not about cleaning the back wall. Its how you have your tank set up. Using mechanical filters that cause nitrates to get high. You should consider migrating to more natural filters. Live rock, sandbed critters that will keep your sandbed in good order, etc. High nitrates and tangs don't mix, IMO and in my experience. You have to start doing things to improve the conditions in your tank overall.


Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/394499/blue-is-sick-tail-looks-bloody/40#post_3512826
Its not about cleaning the back wall. Its how you have your tank set up. Using mechanical filters that cause nitrates to get high. You should consider migrating to more natural filters. Live rock, sandbed critters that will keep your sandbed in good order, etc. High nitrates and tangs don't mix, IMO and in my experience. You have to start doing things to improve the conditions in your tank overall.
Thanks, Beth
Had gotten some blue-leg crabs and turban snails. Removed the large crabs that were eating the others. Also purchased Reef Buffer by Seachem which I am about to read about.
To respond to your comment - I'm guessing the crabs and snails are going to qualify. I have live rock and live sand. Lots of rock, so I think I'll purchase a small live rock and/or bottled bacteria. Sure, I can put some more live sand in.
BTW, Snake . . . yes, we do read your stuff!


Staff member
Can you wean off the mechanical filters? Or, change out or clean the media often? Craps don't do much. Try using some
nassarius snails for your sandbed. Allow bristleworms to proliferate, don't vacuum your sandbed.
How many inches is your sandbed now?


Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/394499/blue-is-sick-tail-looks-bloody/40#post_3512884
Can you wean off the mechanical filters? Or, change out or clean the media often? Craps don't do much. Try using some
nassarius snails for your sandbed. Allow bristleworms to proliferate, don't vacuum your sandbed.
How many inches is your sandbed now?
- Will clean media more often
- I don't vacuum the sand
- Sandbed is 0 - 1.5". I'm guessing 3/4" average.

- Water temp: 77 before lights on - 79 during the day.
Finally went down. Small blue moon lights are on a bit after the others go off and then off all night.
Fish seem quite content and are looking good. Algae on rocks and aquarium back seems to be changing for a lighter yellowish-green and kind of furry-looking. Think I might have read that this is progress? (I'm going to look around to see if I can find that info again.). I'll be on the look-out for those nassarius snails


Staff member
Then HLLE is what is serious with your tang. After addressing nutrition and vit. supplements, the next thing to do is get the nitrates down to as low as possible. By chance are using charcoal filters?


- Got a couple nassarius snails
- Got a few small live rock - interesting "stuff" on them
- Wanted to get a little sand from a healthy aquarium, but wasn't able yet. I don't think I want a whole bag of live sand, do I?
- Yes, some charcoal in filters. A mix to remove phosphate and organics.
Also posting pics of algae and new critters separately to see if anyone can identify.


- Looking around here it appears that I need to get the charcoal out of my filter. Apparently it is for short use only?
- Fish are eating dry + frozen soaked in zoe for breakfast and dry for dinner - and not too much!
- Looks like my "changed" algae, which now looks furry is catching "crud". Someone suggested whooshing it out with a turkey baster. You think?


Staff member
Get a turbo snail for the algae. Don't get more than one. Are you feeding algae sheets?
Yes, there seems to be a correlation between HLLE and constant use of charcoal. Use it to polish the water once in awhile, not continuously.
You don't need to add LS from another aquarium. No telling if you may inherit a problem along with the sand.


Yes, OK, thanks, Beth. Yes, feeding algae sheet every few days. Still haven't seen Blue go to it from the clip - only after I release the remaining little end from the clip. He goes right after it. Maybe he's sneaking bites off the clip when I'm not looking . . .