blue jaw and puff

fish boy

would a blue jaw and a porcupine puffer be fine in a 75 gal tank
i know triggers ad puffs arent soposed to go togeather but arent blue jaws less agressive

reef aquaria

New Member
Blue spotted jawfish are very timid fish; I would not put a puffer in with one. Puffers can be aggressive. Since we got our pair of blue spotted jawfish, we have slowly been getting rid of any fish that stresses them out. So far our cherub angel and foxface rabbit got the boot. We are still trying to catch the hippo tang. The fox and hippo charge in at feeding time and scare the jaws, and the angel started chasing the female jaw around.


Active Member
You may be able to do a porc puffer and a niger trigger. I have them together in one of my tanks and I've never seen them act the slightest bit aggressive towards eachother. Of coarse this could just be an excpetion and not the norm.