blue jaw trigger (male)


New Member
i was wondering if anyone has one so they can give me some incite about them............. i know that the males are better lookin than the females................ do they really have a green tint on their fins??


Active Member
They're a very mellow species. They are very pretty in their own right, but don't have the attention-grabbing beauty of a clown or other species. They are free swimmers, so the longer the tank, the better. They usually don't bother any tankmates, and some people have had success keeping them in reeftanks. Feed a varied diet of squid, krill, and other enriched frozen foods. Some may also eat clipped seaweed.


New Member
does it have a real green outline on its fins??? or is it just from the camera??? how agressive is it compared to others???


New Member
It;s more yellow~~~~~ He's not agressive ,almost shy even. Hes awesome to watch!!



Originally posted by phensway
how agressive is it compared to others???

bluejaws are probably the least aggressive of the triggers...


True on the Niger Trigger. Just got a large one in my tank full of snails and hermits and he has not touched any of them. Though he has started to dig a little the substatrate.


Active Member
Yeha i just bought an awsome niger trigger. I got him for my new 135 gallon but its not done cycling so hes in my 30 reef he hasnt touched anything and i acually think my pepermint shrimp was cleaning him. He is black with some blue out line. I love this fish sooooo much.I would love to share a pick but my pics r too big.
if u want a pic e-mail me

tony detroit

Active Member has a free downloadable resizer that I use. It might be show-your-photos, I'm not sure which one.