Blue Jaw Trigger not Eating.


I bought a blue jaw trigger about a week ago. He hid for like a day, like they said he would. Some people say theres hide for like a week before it came out. Well he will come out swim for about two minutes then go down and hide for a bit. Then Swim for about two minutes and then hide. His color and his health seem wonderful but when I feed he does not eat at all, atleast not that im seing. I even put Kents garlic drops on the food and he still really dont go after it. Im feeding mysis, reef plankton, and Krrill and it dosent seem like he is touching it. But like I said he seems great. He is about inch and a half to two inches. I need help Im new with this kind of fish, and I dont want him to die.
Thanks Eric


I dont have any agressive fish, but i do have a coral bandet and if the trigger swims by him he like snaps at him. He dont come close to getting him but I dont know if it is stressing him out.
Thanks again


I have read that the bluejaws can be hard to get to start to feed. I have also read that in nature they feed on zoo plankton. So you may want to try zooplex or something alike to see if that helps. Or you could try getting a feeder shrimp and see if he eats that. Sometimes they like to hunt live food.


Ok well I have read and hurd they are hard to start feeding, but everyone says that if he gets hungry enough he will eat. I want to get some for sure info, so i dont go out and buy five different types of food and he not even touch it. Some people told me to get a clam, squid, that algee, and Im not to sure. My local fish store said he should go after krill, but so far its a no.
At this point Im willing to try anything, but at the same time people tell me to give him time and he will eventually come around.
thanks for the advise Trust me I will keep it in mind


New Member
my blue throat's favorites are nori that i put in for the tangs, squid, and mysis.
i think the trick that worked best for me is to put a good amount of the chosen food, enough so that the fish are not competing for food, and then leave the room, and just try to peak in. my trigger was very shy at first and would not come out to eat if he knew i was in the room. he would swim in front of me but not eat. after a short while he was comfortable enough to eat in front of me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonnydale
my blue throat's favorites are nori that i put in for the tangs, squid, and mysis.
i think the trick that worked best for me is to put a good amount of the chosen food, enough so that the fish are not competing for food, and then leave the room, and just try to peak in. my trigger was very shy at first and would not come out to eat if he knew i was in the room. he would swim in front of me but not eat. after a short while he was comfortable enough to eat in front of me.
x2 on great advise


what other fish do you have? Iask this cause there might be one that is bully him a little. I agree with other mine does like the nori but give him time he will eat. is there any signs of ick on him?


Ok I was feeding and just standing back but I will try that. Im going out tomorrow, I never hurd of nori, I already hyave mysis, so I will pick up some squid and nori. Thanks for the advice. But would the coral bandet put stress on him for snapping when the trigger comes around. He dont come near him but he still does it though.


Originally Posted by guitarplr85
Ok I was feeding and just standing back but I will try that. Im going out tomorrow, I never hurd of nori, I already hyave mysis, so I will pick up some squid and nori. Thanks for the advice. But would the coral bandet put stress on him for snapping when the trigger comes around. He dont come near him but he still does it though.
Thats the problem .......I have a huge yellow tang that bully my blue jaw for the first week and the started back off . Even today the yellow tang swpies his tall at him but it doesn't bother him no more. To be honest with you this is my second blue jaw...the first one jump out of the tank
So beware about that!


Um No not that I can see there is no Ick. Its funny though he will swim by the coral bandet shrimp though even if he snaps he just looks at him. In a way i wish he would eat the stupid shrimp, He is mean. I will try Nori, I never hurd of it but I will pick up soon, I just dont want him to get sick or something, I just want to get him to eat


Originally Posted by guitarplr85
Um No not that I can see there is no Ick. Its funny though he will swim by the coral bandet shrimp though even if he snaps he just looks at him. In a way i wish he would eat the stupid shrimp, He is mean. I will try Nori, I never hurd of it but I will pick up soon, I just dont want him to get sick or something, I just want to get him to eat
i thougt you where talking about another fish then the shrimp don't worry about the shrimp the blue jaw can hold it own and will eat soon.


I have had my male 5" blue throat for a week and a half and i have yet to see him eat. Same here, swims out in the open and is by far the biggest fish in the tank. No one bothers him and i have tried about 11 foods including live ghost shrimp, just looks at them. Nothing yet but i figure he will eat when he is ready. Doesnt seem to be getting skinny so maybe he is picking when i am not around. Good luck with yours.


WOW, Im so happy I feed the fish and put a little bit of krill in there and just sat down at the computer and he was eating. Another question how often do you feed your fish, I do a good feeding about every other day, but I think im getting rid of my coral bandet, that sucker is mean