Originally Posted by
small triggers
My female blue jaw did in fact turn into a male. Please pick up a copy of the Jan/Feb issue of CORALS. It has 10 pages devoted to triggers and including changing sexes in an aquarium setting. It has not been noted in the ocean as no one as choosen a specific pair/individuals to track over years.
My understanding is they do not "change s ex", they are undetermined until a certain size and then become that s ex. Again, it is not possible (in my understanding) to tell them apart until they reach a certain size. Sorry Smalltriggers but as we noted, yours was always a Male. No offense to "Coral Magazine", but I will take Bob Fenner and Wetwebmedia over them any day..Here is the letter to Bob
Hi WWM, I am writing to ask about the chances of --- change in Bluethroat Trigger...
<Just saw a nice male yesterday... diving at the end of the Old Airport Rd. north of Kona... Sabrina and I (and the Russells today) are visiting out in Hawai'i>
Do you have any idea whether will they go through --- change like Clownfish and Anthias if there is two of the same ---... Or they don't experience --- change...
<As far as am aware tetraodontiform fishes don't change ---... may be "juvenile colored/marked", and just "changing" into their/its determinate --->
I have two male Bluethroat with me now... No aggression so far, so if they are able to change ---... I would just leave them alone... Would there be any long term problem if there are two males...
<Likely so... better to separate, trade one in>
Thanks in advance..
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>