blue leg compatablity


Well i just ordered 30 turbo snails and 20 blue legs for my 75g I was told they were fine, now i was just told that the blue leggs will kill and eat my turbo snails. Is it true?


over time your blue legs will attack your turbos for their shells. You could help slow this from happening by placing some emplty larger shells in the tank for them to move into as they grow and this way they may leave most of your turbos alone. Unfortunatly blue legs are pretty agressive little guys, scarlets are better as for some reason they seem to leave snails alone.


I agree with what the others are saying. This just happened to me more recently. I have had my blue legs for about 2 1/2 to 3 months and I didn't add the shells in the tank. They have killed two of my snails...... so I would get the shells if you can.
Look for snails that fall from the glass and can't turn themsleves right side up.... they are prey to blue legs !