Blue leg hermits and queen conchs


Well I saw that one of my bigger blue leg hermits decided to inspect the new arrival of 3 queen conchs in my tank. Needless to say he went to harass one of the conchs... Should I get the bigger hermits and pick them out of the tank? I prefer my conchs far more than a 50 cent hermit.. the small ones don't even bother.


Active Member
Ouch. never had that problem before with Conchs. They usually kick the hell out of the hermits with their foot.


Well if thats the case I will hold offf... I just put these conchs in today and I know they are still getting adjusted to the tank but damn they barely have moved although I have seen their mouths extend to almost twice their size...Awesome to see.


I have 3 fighting and 2 queen conches. Give them some time they do a great job of cleaning the sand bed!

Also they don't put up with a lot of harassing hermits, usually mine will kick the crap out of them if they start to get pestered. Lol!

sinner's girl

also, make sure you have bigger shells for the hermits to move into, so they don't want the queens shell.


lol sweet!..Yeah I purchased them strictly for my sand bed... Between the 4 emeralds, 15-20 turbos, and 20+ blue leg hermits my tank is extremely clean and gorgeous. It's really worth the investment in a good cleaner crew for the end results.. I compare my tank to my brother in laws and there is no comparison. He is constantly complimenting the clarity of the tank.


I had 2 queen conches until one of my electric blue crabs decided to get a bigger house. The counches do a great job at keeping the sand clean and I plan to get another one soon.


how big does a tank have to be in order to have those conches?
I have a 55 gallons and my sand beds are pretty dirty, bunch of brown algea.
Whats the best amount of snails, conches and what type?
Sorry to hijack the thread


I have a queen conch in my 25 but if it gets to big I can put him in my 75. I read you can have one for every 20gal. People say they get huge but I have had mine for about 6-7mo and i have not noticed alot of growth. i think you may have awhile before you have to worry about them getting big.