Blue leg hermits


I did have some larger blue legs which picked on a colony of polyps once, but for the most part, my blue legs leave my corals alone. I have heard that blue legs will also pick on turbos, but I haven't seen this either.
As far as live sand goes, if your asking if you have to have live sand in order to have blue legs, no. Live sand will greatly increase the natural filtration of your tank though. I would highly recomment using live sand. You can build up a couple of inches of dead sand and seed it with a couple more inches of live sand to help defer the costs.
Hope this helps.


Active Member
They may crawl on some corals, but I don't recall ever hearing about them actually eating corals. Livesand is very beneficial to a reef tank. If you don't want to shell out the $$$ on livesand, make a dsb with southdown or a similar sand and seed it with some livesand. Bo