Blue leg slaughters Scarlet hermit


this was morbid, here i am enjoying my tank, when i see my blue leg hermit rip a scarlet out of his shell and kill him!!
right in from of me. poor guy, i thought these two species lived happily together. oh well, maybe the scarlet picked up on his woman or something.


All I have so far is blue legs (got real good price on a pile of them).
I gess I better not do much mixing if I get more. :thinking:


I had a small blue legged kill a bigger scarlet also. I didn't see it happen but I saw the remains and the blue was in the scarlets shell.


Active Member
I have kept my blue legs slightly outnumbered by the reds and found they get along fine. Now I only have about a half dozen of each with a extra couple of reds tho. No fighting, no MIAs and everyone is very mellow.
I also have a small guy that has black legs. He is very active but hasn't done anything destructive yet.


I have both and they're ok with each other. The reds stay on left and blues on the right. But I did see the blue one over with a red and the red started to run.
Just the other night one of my blues shell jacked my cerith and had dinner.


yeah, it started out cool, that bluelegged bugger did.... then the power of the ring got to him, he figured all the scarlets were trying to steal it... now he's a killer... how can an animal so cheap cause so much destruction? kinda like those domino damsels i guess. killers... time to take that BL back to the LFS.



Originally posted by toddpolish
do you guys keep extra shells in your tank so they can swap into those instead of killing others????

Yes they're all over but still doesn't stop them from wanting to go gangsta on other things in the tank.


Active Member
I have never lost a red to a blue. Lots of blues have disappeared in the last couple of years but I am nor sure why.....
At one point I had two dozen blues and a single red.
Slowly I wound up with a single red and a single blue.
The red has gotten fairly big and has been around for about two years now. Pretty tough and doesn't take anything from the blues.
For the last few months it's been static with about 8 reds and 6 blues.
The blues can be a pain at times but I like them. I haven't lost a snail to one in a long time either.


good question francis, i also have PLENTY of spare shells, just mean i guess. could be genetic i heard his father would beat him and his mom growing up....


Does anyone know how they will fare with scarlets? I was just loading up my cart when I noticed this thread. I'd appreciate hearing from someone who keeps both.
BTW, I stayed away from the blues because my LFS advised me that they were also very hard on a reef......which is where I'm heading with my tank.
Waterfaller (Carole) crack me up!


Active Member

Originally posted by jrpage
I stayed away from the blues because my LFS advised me that they were also very hard on a reef......which is where I'm heading with my tank.

I'd be curious to know what your LFS meant by that. Our blue legs were evil little things, but they only bothered snails and each other. They never gave any of our fish or corals any trouble...


I ordered 20 blues and 20 reds for my 55 gal. when it had cycled and ready to add a clean up crew. I have had a few reds found dead and figured that it was just because of stress through introducing into a new tank. I didn't know about the blues being so aggressive. The blues don't seem to bother the coralline at all , just the reds some of the time. I have quite of few of extra shells of different sizes for them. Would it be a good idea to get the blues out and replace them with reds or some other type of hermit. I also have found a few empty turbo shells. Could the blues be going after them too?



Originally posted by kreach
I'd be curious to know what your LFS meant by that. Our blue legs were evil little things, but they only bothered snails and each other. They never gave any of our fish or corals any trouble...

................which is far too often:rolleyes:


see i told you!!! darn things, they should all perish of natural causes of course... or take a course in anger management. it reminds me of "the far-side" by Gary Larson in which two aliens are talking and in the background is a terarrium with a bear attacking a human... the caption goes something like..."Zork you idiot you mixed two incompatible species in the earth terarrium!!":D
i wonder if we're like that all to often..... hum...