Blue leg slaughters Scarlet hermit


Never bother the snails. They are very cool too. I'm still waiting to hear how they'll mix with the scarlets..............anybody know?


My blues rarely mess with my scarlets, just each other! Just the other day I was watching a duel between two blues. They were both claw-locked with each other and I guess the fighting got a little too intense. They were both propelled from their shells and went scurrying for the nearest shelter...each other's shells! It was shell swap! Hilarious, indeed! :D



Originally posted by misty927
........They were both claw-locked with each other and I guess the fighting got a little too intense. They were both propelled from their shells and went scurrying for the nearest shelter...each other's shells! It was shell swap! Hilarious, indeed! :D

You must sit in front of your tank for hours on end too:yes:


I haven't had a problem with my Blues yet, granted they have only been in there for 2 weeks. I have 5 blues and 5 scarlets and the blues all hang out together on top of one rock. Every now and then they dispears then return to the rock. They must not care for scarlets though because yesterday on of my scarlets scaled the rock and all the blues ran off. I have two scarlets that do not get a long I had to reach in the tank and seperate them the other day they were locked up and one was gong to die.