Blue linckia starfish review?


Well-Known Member
No!!! You need a large established tank. For lack of the actual term they eat the scum in established tanks


Well-Known Member
Atleast yes. I can not think of the term. Its a film that grows and its there primary food.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I had a one that slowly starved over a year or so. Very people few have long term success with these.


Oh biofilm?

Ah yeah I was just watching a YouTuber, he only started noticing success when he stopped cleaning his back glass.

And how's about sea urchins?


Well-Known Member
I have had success with urchins. They are touchy when they are acclimated but once they get past that they can do really well. My halloween urchin has doubled in size in the 2 years Ive had it. Not all will eat coral but they will move things around. Mine is known to carry coral frags snails hermit crabs and anything else he can pick up in the tank.


Yea the Blue's are great if you have the surface area with lots of periphyton on them. Like real reefs.

But if you move things around, or scrub, then the periphyton dies off and they starve.