Blue Linckia


Can someone tell me how to go about acclimating this type of starfish to my tank?Also, are starfish tough enough to remove from the bag with a net or is there another way to get them without touching them. I read that the oils on your hands,even though wshed, could injure them


a slow drip of tank water in the bag over about 2 hours would be good. Pour the water out into a bucket and then leave the starfish in the bag, and dump him in fast!


Active Member
Don't do 2 might have been a typo...20 hours is safer...I'd do at the bare minimum 5-7 hours...20 hours is safer though. 2 hours of acclimating is giving ur starfish not enough time to acclimate to ur salinity and PH...they need MANY hours of acclimation. once again...DEFINITELY NOT 2 hours