blue linckia


New Member
My tank is 2 months old. I think I made a mistake in bringing home a blue linckia star, as I've read they are hard to keep and my tank is probably too new. :(
Current water conditions are ph 8.3, sg 1.023, ammonia & nitrate = 0.
Yesterday I noticed a long stringy mass coming out of him in the center. Is this normal? Is it something he is eating or is it actually coming out of him? Do stars do any sort of molting? He is still moving around the tank and looks normal otherwise, but the mass is still there. Any ideas? Thanks.


IMO your tank is well to new. Most starfish thrive way better in well estabilshed tanks. He does sound stressed.


Active Member
A Blue Linkia star is a great addition to the tank, and they look so neat in the store too. Your tank needs to be established at least 6 months before adding these fragile little guys. I have 6 assorted star fish in my FOWLR tank and have stayed away from Mr. Blue because I wanted to make sure my tank would support it. I have an Orange Linkia that I bought 6 months ago (these guys are hardier than the Blue) it's doing ok. I did accidently pour fresh water on it once (during a top off) and the thing nearly disintegrated.
Good luck!