i was wondering if i could put a 5in plus blue line trigger in a 100 gallon with about a 24in snow flake eel 5in niger 5in bluejaw and a spiny box puffer and dog face puffer
i dont know about the blue line but my blue jaw is very aggressive if any of my other fish get near him he attacks them he is clearly the boss of my tank
Blue-line is supposed to be one of the more aggressive trigs. I used to have a baby 4 inch blue-line. Killed over $100 worth of my fish. I gave him back to the LFS. He attacked and killed a larger Lunare wrasse/Bird wrasse/smaller hawk fish/ate about 3 cleaner snails/killed my other larger niger trigger/ killed my larger 8-line wrasse and mauled my dragon wrasse (about same size).
I had a evil blue-line. My brother-in-law has same fish, but more friendly and left his other fish alone.
I've never had one but I read on the other forums some people have/had one and they always have to take the fish back or sell it. This trigger is very agressive! This is one of the top 3 most agressive triggers, along the undulate and queen. And on top of that, their color fades as they grow. So they don't even stay pretty. Not worth the risk if you ask me.
so probably not a good idea do think i could keep it in a 60 gallon for a while or should i just get this baby clown trigger thats about 3/4 of an inch
i never knew bluelines were one of the most aggressive triggers... wow...also never knew they lost their lines/coloration after a while... that completely negates the purpose of obtaining one.
Check out this youtube video to see what a larger one looks like. The colors are faded and it only gets more so the bigger they get. This dude has a queen trigger in there too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opz9aLb_yX0
Clown triggers are pretty agressive too. It doesn't mean you can't take a chance on one, just know the risks. I'd rate triggers (that I know of) like this:
Most agressive
Queen Trigger
Least Agressive
There are always exceptions though, based on fish personality.
I would go with a golden tail over a clown trigger . Clowns are also known to be very very aggressive . They are known to just snap and kill everything in your tank .
Yes. Clowns are about equal or some acconts say even more aggressive than blue lines. If your tank is small you should not even think about getting one else you want to house by itself.
Okay So No On The Blue Line And Clown Trigger But I Did Find A Very Nice Gold Heart Trigger About 3 And 1/4 In And I Think I Am Probably Going To Buy Him And Also Is This A Good Price For Him At 139.00 Dollars?