blue line triggerfish with lump on chin


New Member
Hello, can someone help my blue line trigger. On his chin, there is a lump. Nothing on it, it's his skin, but it seems like there is a bubble under it making the skin pop out. Can someone help? Thanks!


Can you give us some more info? whats going on in the tank, does this trigger chase food into the rockwork? does he have tankmates he beefs w/?
whats the tank like, setup water paramters, tankmates, etc. All this will help.
Sounds to me that your blue line got a lesion on his chin from bumping into something


New Member
he fights with my clown trigger every now and then. But besides that he is very peaceful. Right now hes in a 55, BUT the yare all small and are moving in my 250 gallon tank within a week or two. The filtration is good, and the readings are excellent.


New Member
My bluejaw trigger has a lump on his chin. He has been startled a couple times when I entered the room and darted into the glass. I would guess your trigger has hit the glass or rock. Mine has had his lump for over a week and it hasn't gone away yet. I'm not positive about this diagnosis but it's my best guess.