Blue/Linka Starfish and questions



Okay, after my tank is cycled... this is what I want to do. Comments? Suggestions? THANKS ALL OF YOU! (I'm in NO Hurry)
I don't yet have the lighting for corals or for the bubble tip anemone that I want. So I will wait wait wait.
I want to: Add about 20-25 lbs more LR Fiji (from this site). A Cleaner shrimp. A sand sifting star and some Xmas Tree Worm Coral rock and or Feather Dusters. I'd also like a jawfish, or the two twinspot goby's that were recommended. If I add anyone else.. it would be a royal gramma. Lets see, that would be a lotta fish...
Purple Tang (small and will get a good home when she is too big for 50 gal).
2 False Percula Clowns
2 yellow-tailed damsels (who will go if need be)
royal gramma, 2 gobies or a jawfish?...
When can I add the Blue Starfish? What does it need? How old should the tank be... etc.
Finally, I have 3 snails and six hermits. What should I upgrade to for a clean-up crew besides what I've already listed?
Have a wonderful day!


Active Member
yeah i would definately wait on the blue star, they tend to be really sensitive to water quality, so if your parameters arent perfect, they might not make it. i would also try to get more critters for your clean-up crew. It is often reccommended that you have at least one snail or hermit per gallon so if you have 50 gallons, 50 clean up critters. You dont have to get the biggest snails or hermits either, smaller ones like cerith snail actually do a better job at cleaning your tank, IMO. Good luck and have fun!


Thanks. I'll wait for a year (or nearly a year, depending on how the tank is doing for the Blue).
How about a sand sifter star?
And as far as clean up crew... (Hermits, Snails & cleaner shrimp)... I should wait until fully cycled yes?... this means how many days at zero? Should I have zero nitrAtes as well? What is an acceptable nitrate level given my inhabitants? zero?


Active Member
Sand-sifting stars are great at cleaning up detritus. I think your clean-up crew would be fien to put in the tank now. What are your levels at again????


Cycling @ levels question. Ammonia zero, (but has only been zero now for 2 days). Nitrites at 0.25. (Well less than). Nitrates between zero and 20. Not really looking to add yet. But I'll go with the clean up crew ASAP. (Levels zero... ) Thanks!


I may be wrong but if I am please someone tell me I was under the impression the x-mas tree worms werent that good of a choice for home aquaria and needed stong light for its host coral to survive.. is this correct??


Nitrites and Ammonia definitely need to be 0 before any additions. Try to keep the Nitrates below 20, or better yet, below 10. Mine stay at about 2.5 regardless of water changes and skimming. I bought a package of snails, crabs, and stars from this site after my cycle was complete. In retrospect, I would have skipped on the stars, I did not do a good job acclimating them and they didn't make it, I'd do a better job with the drip method now. I'd get about 20-30 snails, 25-35 red legged hermits, a Sally Lightfoot, and a few emeralds. I had a very good experience with and have ordered more from them since then.


Nitrites and Ammonia definitely need to be 0 before any additions. Try to keep the Nitrates below 20, or better yet, below 10. Mine stay at about 2.5 regardless of water changes and skimming. I bought a package of snails, crabs, and stars from this site after my cycle was complete. In retrospect, I would have skipped on the stars, I did not do a good job acclimating them and they didn't make it, I'd do a better job with the drip method now. I'd get about 20-30 snails, 25-35 red legged hermits, a Sally Lightfoot, and a few emeralds. I had a very good experience with and have ordered more from them since then.


Once you add that 20-25 lbs of rock from this web site your tank is going to cycle again. It may be a small cycle it may be a big one, but it will re-cycle. Unless you cure the rock outside of your tank.


RIP Slinky the Blue Linky
Never add a blue star at the 2 month mark. Doh!
He lasted 3 days. He was even active for 2 of them, but when his stomach comes out of his mouth, its time to re-assest your patience-in-fish-buying skills