Blue Linkia Starfish


Hey guys,
Just wondering if any of you have had luck with keeping a Blue Linkia Starfish? I just ordered one off of here and it should be here in a couple days, I can't wait!!! I know that people have told me that orange linkias are hard to keep as well but I have had mine for prolly over 6 months now. If anyone has any info they could give me that would be great!


Active Member
You should really ask the questions before ordering one. Blue linkias, like Bang said, need at least 100+ lbs of LR. Linkias could actually starve to death over a period of up to a year, so 6 months doesn't mean much. And blue linkias get much bigger than oranges.


Yes. Linckia sp. are moderately difficult to keep. They have more complex dietary requirements than just carnivorous stars. Oddly I had more luck with orange/red linckia than blue linckia. They are quite sensitive to changes in their environments. Mine would retract its tube feet whenever I did water changes. This is why it is important to maintain a stable salinity and temperature for linckia.


i have had a blue linkia in my 29 gallon since january i think, if that helps, i ordered it off a site that said *easy and great beginner critter!" :mad: well somehow mine has lived and seems more healthy now than when i got it, and hey my name is justin too! haha :cheer:


haha mine too!

but yea thanks guys for the info....ill try my best to keep all the levels constant!
thanks again


very prone to die from osmotic shock ( salinity changes) !!!
require a very long drip method acclimation to your tank, some experts suggest 6-8hrs of acclimation time to prevent osmotic shock. they like higher salinity 1.025, mature tank > 6 months since setup, large tanks with lots of live rock work best. linkias are not easy care starfish but if they are well cared for and survive tank acclimation they can live a long time. good luck!