blue linkia starfish


I just purchased a blue linkia starfish tonight .... and a Pacific Indo Anemone... we acclimated both things, and then put them in, well the starfish is basically trying to get on top of the anemone, is this normal? Will the anemone sting the starfish and hurt him?


Active Member
i woudl imagine that it would.....
do you have the requirements necessary for a blue linkia and an anenome? Sorry if you do....... i jsut have to make sure. ;-).... may you please describe your system more? And read the post by Orph in the reef section about stars. a great read for someone who is interested in them!


Active Member
woops... if you dont know what they are....
blue linkia
-at least 100-150 pounds of live rock
-SG of 1.026
-an established aquarium of at least 6 months
-perfect water chemistry
-SG of 1.026
-perfect wahter chemestry
-a whole lot of lighting (what lighting do you have?)
.....and there is probably a whole lot more that i forgot about and skipped on the requirements. Both phylum are not an impulse buy.
good luck


i have 75-100 lbs of liverock...I have a SG of 1.025 which is what was at the store tonight.. I specifically asked for the specs of the tank that the starfish was in!
and I acclimated him over a 5 hour period..... I do have perfect water conditions..and no my tank is not 6 months old but the man that I deal with ... ( i know some will say ohh lfs) he's not like that though, he has his own tanks at his house, all saltwater ect..and wants to know all of your water specs, ect... before selling to you... he knows what he's talkin about.. more so then any other lfs that i've ever been to.. i trust him fully, and he told me that i would be fine, as LONG as i acclimate slowly and safely. thanks for the concern though :)


Active Member
yup!! i wasnt questioning your intellegence or your lack of homework, just being cautious! As long as your levels are stable then that hsould be fine. maybe a little bit more live rock........?
good luck with that species! a beautiful, yet delicate one.
ooo wait, what lighitng do you have? i always ask this because im upgradeing soon. lol


Originally Posted by fishieness
yup!! i wasnt questioning your intellegence or your lack of homework, just being cautious! As long as your levels are stable then that hsould be fine. maybe a little bit more live rock........?
good luck with that species! a beautiful, yet delicate one.
ooo wait, what lighitng do you have? i always ask this because im upgradeing soon. lol
we just got power compacts from the store that we went to tonight :) i havent even looked at them because my husband got them.. while i was checking out the fishes, he hooked them up.. guess i should check out the box, huh.. i would ask him but hes already sleeping.. will check and post it tomorrow when i come back..
thanks for your advice once again, i knew you werent trying to be rude... I was just trying to clarify that I did do my research :)