Blue Linkia Stories?


I was wondering if anyone has had success or horror stories with these Starfish, and if my fish (listed below) would be compatable.


Well, I kinda thought that the puffers would be bad for the starfish, that what I have always been told.....anyone else have some input?


I'm pretty sure blue linkias are too delicate to keep with a puffer. Puffers will nip at almost every invertibrate at least once to see if it is edible. Some tough species like bahama stars are too tough, and have secretions that make them undesireable to fish. Linckias are not as heavily armored and may get eaten.


Then you should have no problem, sans the puffer. I got a blue linckia for a friend of mine and it is absolutely fantastic, especially under ultra-actinic lighting. Just remember to acclimate them very slowly, and you shouldn't have any problems.


I've just heard that if they scratch themselves on LR...they will pretty much die, or if you touch them with your hand they will die as well. Is there any truth to this?


No. I had touched my friend's blue linckia several times when I acclimated it. It had gotten stuck in the bag it was shipped in, so I had to remove it by hand. Before you touch anything in your tank, or even put your hand in your tank, you should wash thoroughly with a mild antibacterial soap and rinse very thoroughly. It is ideal to not have to touch anything at all, but sometimes it is necessary. As for damaging themselves on rock, there is no real chance of them simply hurting themselves by moving across a rock. If this were true, they would all be extinct for lack of mobility in the wild. Now, if a rock should FALL on them, that would be another matter. lol


Yeah, that's pretty much what I had figured......I think I may get one......when acclimating it should I use some type of turkey baster to adjust the salinity slowly?


The best way I have found to acclimate any species is to float the bag for 20 minutes. Then, get a large(5 gal or larger) bucket and put them in it with their bag water. Use a length or ailine tubing to start a siphon from the tank to the bucket. When the bucket gets full, empty out half the water and discard it. Let it fill completely again, and the animal is ready to go into the aquarium. It is an easy method, and since I have been using it, I have never had a loss.


I`ve had one now for about 6 months and the only problem I had was with a couple of peppermint shrimp that thought he was put in there as food for them. Needless to say I now have no peppermint shrimp. They had nipped him pretty good in a couple of places but he healed up pretty quick. They are pretty cool to watch. Mine goes all over the place,will even wrap himself around the ball I have on the bottom of my powerhead. I`d say get one if his tank mates are going to be compatable.


Thanks!....I got one tonight, and acclimated him really slowly, and then put him in....I have had no problems with my Valentini Puffer as of yet, and the starfish is moving around the tank like crazy.


LOL! I have two blue linkia stories, I put them in, and then they died! These were both acclimated over 3 hour periods each, and neither made in more that 2 days. Steering clear of them. I have had great success with the purple linkias; have two in my 210, one in my 55. Just watch out if you try them, there is a predatory purple starfish that is being sold as a purple linkias, but it's not. It has orange feet, whereas the true purple linkia has clear feet.