Blue Linkia


It looks like my linkia is expelling its inards? Should i get it out or wait and see how things turn out?
My guess would be to take him out and put him in your QT while you decide what the problem is (or isn't).
I have heard that linkia's are hard to keep. Sorta fragile. I don't have one, so can't speak from experience.
Starfish only have one way in and out for their nutrients. Is it possible he ate and is simply expelling the "leftovers"?
Is your water params okay? They're super sensitive to water problems.


Active Member
I think I would leave it in your tank why? Well if you move it your going to stress it out and if it's close to letting go that may push it over the edge. I would watch it close to make sure it dosen't die. If it does then take it out right away.

reef fool

Active Member
Mine looks the same today also!!! Parameters are all good. Let me know how yours does Fishfood. I'm gonna take the advice of watching it closely.


It looks like intestines. Still solid to the touch though. I've had him for 3 months now. I haven't checked the water in a few days. I should get on it. I did a water change yesterday so that may have done it.


Well my girlfriend said it is either the gonads or the Pyloric caecum. She isn't positive but is leaning towards the gonads. We broke out the Marine invert book that she has. (She will officially be a Marine Biologist at the end of the spring semester). Anyway, We need the advise of Ophiura!!!! If they are expelling the gonads or Pyloric ceacum is there any chance for these guys.
Correction... She didn't need the book she just told me, I did.


I have read the the linkia have a problem with internal parasites that are difficult to detect. Most of the ones available now are infected already. You can identify it by looking on the underside of its arms. If you see raised bumps under the skin then it probably has the parasite. I wish I had the article so I could tell you more.


Tanks been up for 7 months at the current location and was up for a year and a half at the old place. Just moved down the street and added sand in place of the cc and kept almost all of the water. The tank did recycle some but not bad. During the move i also added a 15 gal fuge.


weird, but they were introduced at the same time (not my tank...) and the one was like that in about 12 hours, then died in an hour or so... the other lasted almost a week before doing that, and it took maybe 36-48 hours for him to go...

reef fool

Active Member
Mine kicked over last night. Saw hermits picking at him this AM. Luckily, he didn't raise any of the levels. I am sure he would have stunk up the tank! RIP little blue dude.:( :confused:


Active Member
good luck to all. i personally have had bad luck with all linkias except the sri lankan orange. every blue that i try in my 135 keels over in a few days and i make sure that the params are all in check. blondenaso, i would be very interested in the article if you can ever find it.
one other think about linkias. how many of you have heard that it is bad to touch them with your hands? i am just curious as to the validity of this statement that is constantly told to me by numerous lfs's. any ideas?
good luck
Just for info, I asked Dr. Ron on a different board and got this responce (mine is doing the same thing):
The structure extending from the mouth of the Linckia is the cardiac stomach and possibly part to the pyloric stomach. It is normal for some of this structure to protrude from the mouth, but it is not normal for this much to be extended. It is possible that something is stressing the star and causing stomach expulsion or it is possible that some fish or other animal actually attacked the star and pulled the stomach out like this.
If the star can retract the stomach, it will die. However, it may take it several days to get it back in.
FYI, HTH in the future.


Active Member
interesting. every lfs that i go to here in co says the same thing, that the oils on are skin are very bad for the linkia star in particular. whenever they have to get one for a customer they put a bag over their hand, grab the star and then place it into another bag filled with water w/o touchign it and suggest doing the same to release it!
however, in all the lliterature ive ever read about them, this has never came up! any ideas anyone?