Blue Linkia


I dont think the touching thing is true. But i know they should not be exposed to air, just like a sponge.


Mine has been exposed to air and has been touched by hand. It exposes itself to air all the time when he goes to the top of the tank. Well he is still alive and its been at least over a week now. It looks like it has retracted its stomach but i can't tell because he is down in the rocks.


I just wanted to update you on my star, specifically reef fool. He has pulled his insides back inside and is moving around the tank happily. I have no idea why mine pulled through and yours didn't. Mine actually looked like crap. He was real skinny but has since filled out again. Crisis adverted, now i have to figure out how to keep the stupid emerals away from my new polyps:mad:

pa reef pig

I think the more experience people start having with these Emerald crabs the less and less they are going to sell. I had one for about a month, never saw him eating any hair algae but I did notice that he loved to tear chunks out of my leather coral.
Into the sump he went.


Mine went at the algea the minute they went into the tank. Have slowed down but have trimmed back some nice red brillow type algae that is growing. They never touched anything else in the tank that i noticed until i put these polyps in. I'm thinking that since it was sent overnite and didn't get here until the second day i had some dye off. I also cought my brittle start squating over them and had to pull him off. I moved all of them(polyps) into the sump until they all open up and i know they are healthy. Expensive dinner because they were nice turquoise blue polyps that ran me a bit of money.

reef fool

Active Member
Hey fishfood, Congrats! When I saw mine was getting chomped on by hermits, I took him out of the tank immediately. Too much $ in corals to let a starfish stink up the tank and spike the bad stuff! Glad to hear yours made it. Good luck! I read somewhere that you should feed him some mussels or squid every once in a while to keep him nourished, not sure where I read it , but thought I would share.