Blue Linkia


New Member
My wife and I have always wanted a Blue Linkia. Our tank has been set up for a year and the water parameters are excellent. We purchased what appeared to be a healthy Blue Linkia. We have had him for about a month now and last night I noticed that he appears to be expelling his stomach. I am sure this is a sign of immenent death. Has anyone observed this before? We feel really sad about it. I just wanted to tell all of you who are interested in these creatures that they are better off in the wild. We have very good water conditions, these guys are just very hard to keep. We will not get another one.


Active Member
Do you have alot of algae in your tank for it to feed off?
How did you acclimate him? IME, stars should be drip acclimated for several hours to adjust to salinity and temp of the water.


New Member
he was Drip acclimated for 4 hrs. As for alge we have some macro and alot of corraline but not much else. He was grazing on the rock quite a bit. I would say that he was not acclimated properly at the LFS.


Active Member

Originally posted by DwarfFlameback
I would say that he was not acclimated properly at the LFS.

You're probably right. I know my LFS acclimates them for 30 minutes by pouring in half a cup of water 2-3 times and that's it. Then he wonders why they don't last.:rolleyes: