Blue Moon out TONIGHT!!!


Active Member
Miracles are rare, and I thank God for every on he has given me...but this miracle caught me way off guard, and I mean waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off....
Last night my husband, Brian, and I were talking. I brought up my salt hobby...again. Brian has never liked my fish hobby...didn't like to look at it...the word "fish tank" makes his eyes glaze over with boredom and frustration. Last night I tried to communicate to Brian how I like to show some interest in his hobbies(reading books), it helps me to understand his interests and also spend more quality time with him. He said he understood what I was saying, but he couldn't see himself falsifying interest in something he did not value. I completely agreed with him. We both thanked each other for our honesty, said good night, and drifted off to sleep.
I woke up around 10:30 am, the house was empty. I assumed Brian and Aria(our 7 year old daughter) had gone out for a "Daddy-daughter Day", which they do from time to time to let me sleep in.
So I took my time getting up...enjoyed a quiet cup of coffee, puttered around on the computer, researched more fish info, the little things you like to do when no on else is around to interrupt you.
Brian and Aria arrived home for lunch. Brian said "Aria and I have a surprise for you! While shopping Aria found some plastic toys for the new computer game "Spore". She was all excited about the new toys they had found. I listened while she laid out of the "cool" details of each one. After she was done, I turned to Brian and asked what his part of the surprise was.
"I want to go get myself a fish tank today." He said.
...that's nice dear...

You..want to set up your own fish tank???????
"Yes, I want to learn about your hobby. I want to learn about fish tanks to better understand them and spend more time with you. It really made me reconsidered my view point on your fish hobby when you pointed out that you take interest in my hobbies to know me better and spend quality time with me. So let's go to your LFS and set up a tank for me."
I was so overwhelmed with happiness that I started crying. After getting over the initial shock and stopping my water works we made up a list and headed of to the LFS.
After going over many, many options of fish equipment, he picked out 2 yellow tipped damsels and a narsisus snail. He even bought me a brand new 38g sump tank, since I discovered a crack in the one I was going to use!!!!!
We spent 2-3 hours setting up his tank. Brian used one of my 15g. He purchased a CORALIFE 28 watt compact fluorescent fixture(I'm so jealous!!!! That's the one I need for my pony tank!). We transfered LS from my 55g sump, a couple of LR from the sump, and add his 2 damsels.
He set the tank up on his desk down stairs. We turned all the lights off, except the tank, and we waited. The damsels started to come out and explore. Brian started commenting on how timid they were at first. Soon he was laughing at the "fish argument" over who was the boss!! I pointed out to him how their colors were different. The grumpy one is really dark he said, and the other one is much lighter. I explained how color relates to stress and comfort levels. The lighter damsel is at ease, while the darker one is more stressed. After 10-15 minutes the darker damsel's color had begun to lighten up. The two started darting from rock to rock, popping out from different crevices in the rock.
"Looks like they're playing peek-a-boo said Brian, chuckling."
So Brian now has a brand new 15g with two damsels name "Peeka" and "Boo"!
WOW....what a day. Thank you Lord for your gifts of Love and communication!!!Amen.


Wow, thats powerful, sweet and awesome! Congrats on the bond the Lord has blessed you both with and the new tank of course


Active Member
Awwwwwwwwwwww.... that is awesome and I got all choked up over your story! It gives me hope, too, because I am just starting in this hobby and am totally consumed by it and the only thing that could make it more rewarding is if my hubby (Brian) were more into it. He does stop to look in the tank once in a while and does tolerate me dragging him to the LFS once in a while but there's nothing like seeing that spark of excitement from someone else when sharing your hobby. I am in the planning stage of my "Christmas upgrade" and I very seriously think it's going to be a horse tank so you will be seeing me in this section more and more with lots of questions. I currently have a 12-gallon Eclipse which is my "experimenta/learning" tank but I'm thinking of getting a 34 gallon Red Sea Max to turn into a horse tank. I just need to keep reading to learn the differences between the various types of horses, their needs, their prices, their characteristics, etc. Obviously I will love any type that comes to live with me but I'd like to stay at the less expensive end of horses while just starting out so if there's a loss it won't hurt QUITE as badly. Besides, if I hope to get my Brian involved in this, too, he will be more excited the more I can keep this hobby only minimally expensive.


I hear you there is nothing nicer than sharing the hobby you love with someone you love. When I started to get into the Hobby this past Christmas it was my girl and I working the tanks together was really nice. But now she has gone home to Korea for the time being so I AM ALONE AND STARING AT MY FISH. aT LEAST i CAN TALK TO THEM


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ozmar
How are my fish doing? I fed them this morning. Are they happy?

You're fish are very happy. The only odd thing for me is Brian's 2 yellow tip damsels hide when I come over to watch the them. I'm used to all fish in our house greeting me at the front of the tank every time I walk by; because I am their care taker.
Brian's fish and snail are doing great, and I am beyond words seeing my husband enjoying his tank.


They are probably not used to you yet.It's pretty traumatic for them moving to a new home.
I am sure they will understand soon enough like most fish do and learn that you are the one with food.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dingus890
They are probably not used to you yet.It's pretty traumatic for them moving to a new home.
I am sure they will understand soon enough like most fish do and learn that you are the one with food.

But I'm not their food person
Brian said hands of my tank and fish, I want to learn how to take care of them. They come out for Brian no problem cause he's the food man, but they're a little more shy with me. It's just kinda weird, I walk downstairs and walk by his tank and instead of racing to the tank side begging for food they watch me supiciously...then I remember....that's Brian's tank!!!!!


Well-Known Member
That's so cool! My wife and I are lucky, I guess: we enjoy the hobby together. I enjoy all the tank-work, maintenance, and day-to-day stuff, and she enjoys sitting there and watching the tank. Which is perfectly cool by me! It still gives us "bonding time."
Kudos to Brian...good brownie points there!! What are you going to do when he says he wants to upgrade is a 150??


Active Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies
That's so cool! My wife and I are lucky, I guess: we enjoy the hobby together. I enjoy all the tank-work, maintenance, and day-to-day stuff, and she enjoys sitting there and watching the tank. Which is perfectly cool by me! It still gives us "bonding time."
Kudos to Brian...good brownie points there!! What are you going to do when he says he wants to upgrade is a 150??



Active Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies
Hey, how is Brian's tank coming? Nosy people wanna know!
Not Good....He's starting to forget to feed the 3 damsels. He has started asking me to do water changes, basic tank maintenance jobs, and to cover for other jobs that he forgets to do. As of last night the tank conditions looked very bad. So did the 3 damsels. One especially was gasping at the top of the tank.
My diagnosis:
Ammonia levels off the chart...Salinity at toxic levels...oxygen levels plummeting...a recipe for disaster.
I am getting increasingly upset about his lack of care of his aquarium. All pets need/require/deserve a healthy environment in which to live. Being limited to their tank, fish rely on us 110% for their care. I loathe anyone who neglects their pets, especially those who view fish as the "throw away pet". My first impulse is to stuff them into a tank/cage and leave them there for 2 weeks and see how many yucks they have.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that.
OK, change tactics. Is the tank still in his downstairs office? Maybe you should keep it up, make sure the water changes are done, tank cleaning, yadda yadda. If he sees the tank in his office as a nice thing, rather than a dirty cesspool, he might take more interest in it again.
On the other hand, maybe this was a lesson. He *did* try, at least for a little while, but sometimes our hobbies really just don't mesh. As a perfect case in point, I'm a huge star trek model geek...I scratchbuild most of my own models, and of course display 'em where I can. I can't tell you how fast my wife's eyes glaze over when I start talking about model-related tools, ships, etc. SHe likes the shows, but she just can't be onboard with the models.
Which is fine. Seriously.
We all need to have our own little internal personal spaces, ways to get away and just be ourselves. For me, it's trekkie geekdom. For you, it's your aquariums. It's nice that he tried, but in the end, maybe aquaria keeping is just your own personal place to go, a place he doesn't need to be.
Does that sound too much like psychobabble? Maybe it is, but it's no less true. As a married woman you probably already know this: it's great to have the togetherness, the closeness of a healthy relationship....but the spaces between the togetherness, the marital lacunae (so to speak), really help to define us as individuals.
In the end, I wouldn't stress too much about the tank. Try keeping it clean for him, see if it turns his attitude around. If it does, great. If it doesn't........
......steal that 28 watt corallife light for your own tank!!!
......and Brian, if you're reading this: go clean your effing tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies
In the end, I wouldn't stress too much about the tank. Try keeping it clean for him, see if it turns his attitude around. If it does, great. If it doesn't........
......steal that 28 watt corallife light for your own tank!!!
......and Brian, if you're reading this: go clean your effing tank!

Excellent advice


Active Member
And don't forget to make him feel bad and guilty the whole time you're taking over his chores - it's one of the few pleasures we get as wives.



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo
And don't forget to make him feel bad and guilty the whole time you're taking over his chores - it's one of the few pleasures we get as wives.

K, sue, this doesn't always work. You see, when God created Eve as a companion for Adam, he made a darn near perfect creature the second time around. I think most men will agree with that. But Adam complained to God a few weeks later......
"You know, God, this woman you made.......she sometimes complains at me a lot!"
To which God replied, "I made her that way. She is your Companion, your Helper, and your Inspiration. Sometimes she must remind you of your Duties."
Adam nodded his head. "Yes, but does she have to 'remind' me of every little thing, whether I need or not, every second of every day??"
God reflected on this, and realized Adam was right. God didn't make man with the capability of fully withstanding the assault a woman could sometimes deliver. So God put Adam asleep again, and went to work. When Adam awoke, he found Eve sitting under a tree in the Garden.
"Where have you been all this time? Why didn't you take the trash out when you left! I need you to finish that shelter thing, you promised it would be done two weeks ago!"
But Adam smiled and went about his business. Eve, shocked, followed him and continued her verbal barrage. Her words bounced off Adam as though hitting a brick wall, and eventually Eve's arguments dissolved into looks of sullen displeasure, with the promise of Doom later that night.
This new ability that God presented Adam with set the stage for men and women for eons to follow. You see, while God gave Eve shocking beauty and ability to win over the hearts of men, he gave Adam.....
....the ability to Tune Out.


Well-Known Member
(The previous post should be considered a work of tongue in cheek humor, and NOT the way I feel towards my wife........who only nags me when I really need it.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo
And don't forget to make him feel bad and guilty the whole time you're taking over his chores - it's one of the few pleasures we get as wives.

However tempting that may be....I am holding Brian to his original request. I will not take over any responsibilities for his tank. Last night I talked to him about the poor conditions of his tank. He topped off the water and I showed him the ammlock conditioner I used and explained the steps he needs to take to prevent water quality from deteriorating further.
This morning the 3 damsels look much happier. And I am also feeling better after talking to Brian last night.