Blue or black background...


for a 125 reef tank and why? I am leaning towards blue but what is everyone else's opinion on the color? Actually it will be the actual tank color on the back, not a tape on background.


Active Member
I did my first tww tanks in black and the third in blue. I think I prefer the blue, just not as dark.


Active Member
I have black and this is my first salt tank so I can't really give an opinion on the two. I would think blue would be brighter but may show algae easier. Seems like down the road if you aren't cleaning the back , the back will become covered in algae and won't matter if it's blue or black.


Active Member
I like blue in a fish only tank and black in a tank with corals, the corals seem to show up better on a tank with black background.
One nice thing about a black background is that it can disguise any cords or powerheads etc.. because most equipment is black.


Active Member
I kinda did a little of both , didnt want it too dark(aal black) or too bright (all blue) so I mixed the paint a med blue and black. Came to a dark watery blue . Looks pretty good. I think.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
the back will become covered in algae and won't matter if it's blue or black.
LOL, this is a blue background by the way.



Active Member
That's what I figured. A friend of mine has a coral picture background and you might see a piece of coral or two throw the algae.


Active Member
My first reef was blue and my 2nd is black. I like the black better as it seems to make the back of the tank disappear. As said earlier though, in time it will probably be covered in coraline anyway.

my way

Active Member
Black shows the colors of what is in the tank better than any other color background, then add black sand and everything will jump out at you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
then add black sand and everything will jump out at you.
Do you really have black sand? Just curious because one of the only places I've seen actual black sand is in Hawaii.