Blue or black backgrounds. What do you prefer?

Just wandering what color people prefer for the backgrounds of their tanks and why. I had mine painted black and am just curious about what other people like.:) To me, it seems like the black would show more contrast to what you put in it, but the blue would add some color if you don't have many corals. Anyone have any other color on theirs?


Active Member
I've got a 75 with black background.
I've got a 30 long with blue.
Both look nice to me.
If I had to pick one color - black.


Blue on the 55, beause I like it
Blue on the 90, Because I can


Active Member
I have a deep purple cloth velcro'ed to the back of my five gallon nano - it is very dark - nearly black ....
Nice because i can take it off and rinse it off and I can also change the color.
Setting up a 20 gallon now with a black felt backing. Like the velcor cloth idea - adds some texture to the backing and it allows for easy maintenance.
If I get my hands on a decent camera I will tank a pciture once the sand settles and is no longer cloudy!


I have the thought of using shiny Tin/Aluminium Foil, because of the ability to reflect the light.
Also thought of using 1/8" mirror, cut to fit and to reflect and allow me to view the backside of the live rock...
What do you think?:cool:


i used black because my overflows are black and you can barely tell its there.


Active Member

Originally posted by stpabr
I have the thought of using shiny Tin/Aluminium Foil, because of the ability to reflect the light.
Also thought of using 1/8" mirror, cut to fit and to reflect and allow me to view the backside of the live rock...
What do you think?:cool:

Might confuse your fish - and in some species it may cause them to attack the back of the glass trying to get to that other fish ....
not 100% sure on this but that is why I have stayed away from doing it .... but I do slide a mirror behind my tank on occassion to check my rocks there!


Active Member
black makes tank look deeper and hides any cords or any black filters and makes the powerheads go away


I used black, my wife wanted blue and I won. :)
Mine is mostly purple though, due to coraline algae growth