Blue Ribbon Eel Help


I have an established 75 gallon FOWLR and am thinking of changing my setup a little. I am interested in adding a Blue Ribbon Eel to my tank. See my signature below, for my current setup and my fish. Are there any special requirements to keep an eel? What, if any fish should I take out to allow me to bring an eel into my tank? Any suggestions would be great.


Active Member
Blue ribbon's are very difficult to keep, as most will not eat in captivity. The tank you have sounds pretty well stocked anyways. The tangs, and the angel will outgrow the tank. If you do not have any experience with eel's I would suggest starting with an easier to keep species, such as a snowflake, after removing a couple of the fish.


I realize that some of the fish I have now do grow to large sizes and as they have gotten larger, I have provided them with a larger tank. Anyway, I am looking at trading/selling some of them so that I can make room for an eel. What eel would you recommend I start with?


My tank has a built-in overflow but is covered with a prefilter, and the top is completely sealed by glass. I guess the eel could get stuck on top of the filter pad? I also have alot of invertebrates. Blue and red leg hermit crabs, scarlet hermit crabs, and emerald hermit crabs. Would I end up losing my clean up crew? Lastly, I do have a DSB, would an eel disturb this? Thanks for your help.