Blue ribbon eel video


the film is kinda bad something fell on my toe in the middle of it but here is my eel eating

tell me what you think


Active Member
wow, wat i find amazing is hes eating already, most ribbons nevr eat, especially the blues. nice
good luck and have a nice day. (my day wont be nice i have school
blah blah blah)


I used to have this guy in a 30g aga about 5 mo ago but I had an accident an the thing broke so he is in a 24 nano till I can re-set the 30g back up again . at first i would buy the smallest chromis and damsels that I could find at the LFS that I work at , for about 2 months I had him on just live fish and would try a silverside once a week , once he ate the first one from my hand he would eat 1 full silverside everyother day. the biggest fish he has eaten was my bangaii cardinal lol a good size one too!


Do you simply acclimate the "feeder fish" to the tank and let the eel pick them off when it wants to or actually feed the live fish by hand? Do you add one at a time or a bunch at once?
For whatever reason Ive seen quite a few people successfully get ribbon eels to feed as of late. I dont know if its better capture techniques, wider selection of live and frozen foods, aswell as suppliments, or better water quality in this age of oversized skimmers, refugiums, DBS, and quality live rock.


at first I would acclimate the feeder fish about 5 at a time and in some occasions I would use a stick to chase the feeders towards the eels cave and he would eye them and catch then after a little while he started to like the frozen silversides now I never have a problem feeding him


Interesting. A friend of mine ordered 3 ribbon eels, a blue, black, and white, and all of them ate silversides right off the bat (in his 90g sps reef tank). Mabe Ill need to give a ribbon eel a try.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sdwarrior
I used to have this guy in a 30g aga about 5 mo ago but I had an accident an the thing broke so he is in a 24 nano till I can re-set the 30g back up again . at first i would buy the smallest chromis and damsels that I could find at the LFS that I work at , for about 2 months I had him on just live fish and would try a silverside once a week , once he ate the first one from my hand he would eat 1 full silverside everyother day. the biggest fish he has eaten was my bangaii cardinal lol a good size one too!
u should move him to a aquarium about 3 times hes in


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
u should move him to a aquarium about 3 times hes in
yeah I know Im in the process of getting hired by the post office (next week I start) ands im gonna be setting up a real nice 55 or 75 gal reef tank and it is gonna go in their Im gonna buy all my stuff a little at a time so I can get the best stuff for the tank


Originally Posted by alexrex20
sorry, but that video was pretty lame

yeah lol I know but Im gonna try to make another film soon


The "selling point" of this video is not thats its exciting or action packed, its that its showing an eel that is considered EXTREMELY difficult to feed eating from the owners hand.