Blue Ring Octopus


Active Member
I guess we'll be watching the news of man found dead after being bitten by his pet Blue Ring octopus.
If you have young children around (I don't care if it's your own, nieces/nephews, your neighbor's kid or even your own friends that don't know better), and one of them sticks his/her hand in the tank and gets bit by that octopus and guess what, that person will die and you'll have to live with that for the rest of your life all because you CHOSE to keep the animal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
agreeed .... a TROLL.... thats why i try not ot chime in... you either have a picture or you can go to another forum and mess with them! you did your job though. got alot of piontless attention that you apparently needed

Agree !!

reef diver

Active Member
UR nuts, thats all I have to say. BTW u might want to find a medieval gautlet for your hand and arm protector :) Have fun in your heart massage


If properly maintained, there is NO reason why the octopus should get a chance to bite you. Period. There are other reasons not to keep blue rings though....short lifespan (something like 6 months from BIRTH), nocturnal and very secretive, and they are one of the smallest octopus to boot. Unless you are a researcher, a bimac or vulgaris would be MUCH more enjoyable in almost every way, and cant kill you...


for all the people who said i put this up for attention......LICK MY NUTS! in no way do i want attention from you "oh so cool" guys on the internet. simple question if anybody had any experience with the animal.


Active Member
As I've already stated...I've had ALOT of experiance with said animal. To me, you're still not experianced enough to be keeping such species.
And, as I already's your money, your life and your do what you want.
I'm one of the few people who DON'T redicule people wanting to keep said species. However, I DO NOT agree with wanting to keep a Blue Ring unless you've had MANY years experiance keeping other octos and/or are a researcher (such as Dr. Roy on Reef Central) have no business keeping such an animal.


AW2x3 said:
As with any octo, they need a species only tank, absolutely pristine water conditions and an over sized skimmer on the well as having the tank 150% escape proof.
Thanks. this is what I was looking for. It's not that I am a noob, I have had tanks for a couple of years now but never an octopus. The LFS sold the animal well and so i decided to try it. They definitely did not tell us the severity of the poison when purchasing. thanks AW2x3


Active Member
Yikes, he's huge!!!! Wow man, if that guy was captured that size no way I'd have him in my house!!! Start putting some bricks on the top of your tank and seal the whole thing up with silicon 'cuz he will find a way out. He could escape from any hole the size of an airline tube. Then you step on him and thats all she wrote.