Blue Ring Octopus


Don't patronize me....You are putting words into my mouth. Did I ever refer to you as a 5 year old? Not even close...Did I suggest that you bought the octupus because it was pretty? Again, those were not my words..they happen to be yours though.
I did read your entire post--I understand that you bought it because you were trying to save it. I CLEARLY got your post. I just wanted to understand how you could get this animal knowing how dangerous and poisonous it was and then asked questions. Of course I have asked questions about a fish, but I do it before purchasing the fish. I make sure I know everything that it needs and wants before I buy it.
Don't jump on me because I'm questioning you. I never flamed you, because as I said before you'll know it when I flame. I hope you have good luck with it to be honest...


Simply put. I was not asking about the danger of this animal, or how hardy they were. I did ask before I bought. I came here like everyone else does, to learn MORE. It doesn't matter if I keep this thing alive for 3 years, I can admit, I still will not know everything there is to know about them. And while I am in no way intimidated by flames, I'll take your post with a grain of salt, and thank you for wishing me luck.


Yes they are.
But with the LR you'll never see them.
You also won't be able to keep anything but corals. No hermits, snails, shrimp, or fish.


Yeah, they're real small. And mine does hide ALOT. The only time I've seen mine so far, is when I feed. That holds true for a lot of the species we collect though. As for the fish, from what I've read and been told, some fish that are big enough not to be seen as prey will be ok. This being due to the Blue Rings exceptionally small size. In fact, the place I got if from had it in with a blue damsel, to see if it would eat it. And it did not. As soon as I dropped in some ghost shrimp though, he went to town.
A LFS here has three of them in stock, keeps em in the back room for "Special" customers. I want one badly but dont want to start another tank just for him. And I certainly dont want to pay $425.00 for one.


They dont eat corals at all. TexasReefRat, although I had a hard time finding one, WHIPPLE says he/she knows where to get them for $28.


Hey TexasReefRat
Tell your LFS to start selling the stuff they are smoking. $425 is outrageous. The MOST you should ever pay for a blue ring should be about $60. That is high but the place that had it also sells green chromis for $35. The blue rings typically retail for $30 to $35. They are not that common in stores. I have only seen individuals in two stores in the past few years but they are available MO.


Hey guys the lfs here in fresno gets them on order one week notice and $28.00 If anyone is realy paying $425.00 as stated in texas reef rats stament i could make a killing (no pun intended LOL) :D


You guys are lucky. I spent over a year looking for one of these. Just when I gave up, I get my for free. But I would have sent more than $30-$50 if I could have found one!
so if they dont eat corals they are reef safe right.?? 35 clams for one green chromis that is outrageous..that is highway robbery. i should open a fish store there and i could make a million in no time.



Originally posted by sammystingray:
<STRONG>I have to admit I didn't read the whole thread, but my LFS gets them sometimes, and I never considered them hard to get. I would think it quite risky to have one if any
kids or ignorant people might have a chance to screw up and touch it. I am not a believer that these should be kept in a home. People often do things because it is so cool and dangerous, but they always cry in disbelief when they are the ones that everyone else hears about. Regrets do not bring anyone back, and the coolness isn't as cool when you are bawling your eyes out over a bad descision. Note the thumb.</STRONG>
Wow, I really started something here didn't I?!? :(
Well, I had not intention of starting such a fuss. But heres how I see it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. In my opinion there are certainly people out there who have made worse decisions. I.E. Keeping a Black Tip in a 100. Or a Volitan in their 30. Contrary to some peoples belief, I made an educated decision, when I chose to keep this animal. I wouldn't get any closer to my Lionfish, than I would to the Octi. I have no kids (yet) and I am the only person who has anything to do with the maintenance of my tanks. My decision to keep this animal was more based on my own personal fascination with these animals than the opinion or impression of my friends. I could care less what they or anyone else thinks of my keeping this animal. I personally see this no different than somones willingness to keep 12ft sharks in their home (what if the kids fall in) or how about those with the means to keep tiger's or other exotic cats? There are people who keep all sorts of exotic and dangerous animals. I say, as long as they are responsible, and capable of providing a good home to the animal, then so be it. How else are you going to have the opportunity to closely observe an animal that you are so passionate about? I started this thread in search of the opinions of fellow enthusiast, and I was aware of the risk of someone not approving. But I still stand firm on my decision, and am dedicated to learning from and caring for my octopus.


I support you. If everyone follows tradition we would be at where we began. you are helping to improve aquaria and I hope you share your success.. the people complaining are the same ones that voted for gore..HAHAHAH they are just bitter.. pay them no mind. :D


Thanks guys. ;)
As for keeping one in a reef, this is what I can tell you. You will hardly ever see it. So many places to hide. Due to its size, it wont prey on MOST of your fish. While a purple psheudochromis (spelling?) may be in trouble, its not gonna touch a 5" tang, but I am unsure about the possibility of larger fish trying to prey on it. Any shrimp, or crabs you have are lunch. It wont touch your corals though. Maybe you could consider something like what I did. I set up a tank inside of a tank, so to speak. That way he cant get out, cant eat what I don't want him to, and nothing messes with it. Just an idea. Hope this helps. :D