Blue Spiny Lobster

My uncle had a blue spiny for awhile but it died. He also had a decent sized florida spiny till he caught it chewing on corals. Might want to think hard on this one because it would definitely be cool if it wasn't going to hurt anything.


I bought a purple lobster here. The only reason he is interesting is because I keep harassing him by moving his rocks. I can only do this because the tank doesnt have a lot of LR. I show him off to my young nieces whenever they come over for a visit. The animal sits all day and does nothing ....until the lights go out. Then he is almost KING of this new tank....takes what he wants whenever. All lobsters are omnivorous and will eat whatever is available....
As we all deliciously know, lobsters start small and grow big!
I personally would not put one into a coral tank because even if they don't eat your favorite specimens, you never get to see em unless you are extremely patient with a pen light.
just my opinion.


Having said all that, I do want to say that I did see my lobster do the most extra-ordinary thing! I was harassing him to the point where he had nowhere to hide so he climbed upon a rock and "swam" to the top of the powerhead. He carefully positioned himself to fall into the current of the powerhead and then leaped into its current, flexing its entire body to gain momentum....trying to get as far away as possible (which unfortunately for him was the front of the aquarium). What is extra-ordinary is I saw him try this complicated maneuver three times in a row.
BTW: This is not a coral tank.