blue spot ray

all aussie

New Member
i came across a blue spot ray in the lfs the other day, awsome fish and i just have to have it, but ive heard that they prefer sand to bury themselves under and all i have is a fine grade crushed coral as a substrate, is this appropriate? if so would my 6" dragon wrasse be a problem for the ray.


Can you give more info about these rays?
What are some of their: common problems? requirements/preferences? compatibility issues w/ other fish? What suggestions do you have about them?


Scott Michael in "Marine Fishes" Says... (paraphrased)
"Taeniura Lymma (Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray)
Maximum disk width of 11.8 Inches.
.Minimum tank size 300 gallons (ouch!)

Can be difficult to feed. Offer live grass shrimp, or marine worms. Some may accept fresh shrimp, scallop, or marine fish flesh impaled on a feeding stick once a day.
Aquarium suitability, 2 out of 5.
Rarely does well in home aquariums, most never accept food, if they do, they may stop feeding and die for no apparent reason. Provide ample swimming room, a large open area of sand with little or no decor except for a secure ledge under which it can hide."