blue spoted stingray


Active Member
i was wondering if any of you had a blue spotted stingray, if so what are your experiences with them, i have been researching them alot and wanted to pick your brain, pics would be awsome, how long have you had it. dose it play nice with others, how big is your system etc


Active Member
well i have been looking and i hear they are hard to keep so what about a california stingray, anyone have that


Active Member
i have both a male and a female cali ray in my 300 gallon.. you need a big tank with alot of open swimmging area, deep, fine sand and a great filtration system cause they LOVE to eat!!


Active Member
i have a 125 wide, i have all the rocks up off the sand bed, they are setting on a shelf type thing to make room for a sting ray, how big do the cals get iv seen a variety of numbers, how old are yours, i hear they are easy to breed
now do they need to have a 300 or is that just because you have 2 of them


Active Member
i wouldnt try one in anythign less than a 180, they do get 21.8 inches full grown which is a larger aquarium ray . as far as bredding im hoping my female has some pups for me soon but no luck as of yet. they do like cooler water systems as well
a 125 wide is good with the width but not the length, they are very active and love to swim around. i actually got my female from someone on here that had her in a 125 and felt bad and gave her up because she got big too quick and she was crammed in there
mine both have probably 8-9 inch discs on them,, heres some pics
as you can see they love to lay on each other and swim together



Active Member
man that is awsome, how much did you pay for your tank if oyu dont mind me asking, not the livestock but the tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
i have both a male and a female cali ray in my 300 gallon.. you need a big tank with alot of open swimmging area, deep, fine sand and a great filtration system cause they LOVE to eat!!
What are the dimensions of your tank?


Active Member
i beleive they are 96x32x24 which is a little over 300 gallons if i remember correctly, whoever built this tank didnt exactly stick to the "standard" 300 gallon dimensions and added a few inches here and there


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
i beleive they are 96x32x24 which is a little over 300 gallons if i remember correctly, whoever built this tank didnt exactly stick to the "standard" 300 gallon dimensions and added a few inches here and there
Hate to hijak this threat, but would rays similar to yours do well in a 48X36X37 tank :notsure: Curious what you had to pay for your rays


Active Member
i have been checking around and found 2 300 gallon tanks with stand and everything for like $600, iv been talking with my father about them and he said i would have to sell my 55 and 125 for it but i would be way willing to do that


Active Member
Hate to hijak this threat, but would rays similar to yours do well in a 48X36X37 tank Curious what you had to pay for your rays
IMO no,, the width is AWESOME, rays dont really need height but my rays do like to swim up to the top and then cruise to the bottom so the height is o.k as well but unfortunatly the length is real bad.. rays discs can get to 20+ inches and thats not with the tail so only a 48" tank would be somewhat torture to a ray since he wouldnt be able to really swim around
my rays are VERY active and swim the tank all day long


Active Member
my rays have grown considerably larger in only a year, but i also feed them every other day and i wouldnt reccomend anythign less than that..
food for my rays and shark gets decently costly since they eat soo often and soo much! this is another reason why overfiltration is must to keep levels down


Active Member
my 3 year old cosion loves your pics, he loves rays and carries around a plastic stingray in a bag, its quite funny to watch him,
we went to the fishstore and had it and the fish store gu just about had a heart attach untill we told him it was plastic


Active Member
awww man that was awsome he loved it he thinks you should spank your fish though for trying to steal food
but he everytime he sees your pic by your name he gets this nasty look on his face and screams euuu thats scary take it away