Blue Spotted Jawfish Very Shy


Hi everyone,
I purchased a Blue Spotted Jawfish 3 days ago and I haven't seen him since!
After acclimated him I let him go in my tank and he went under a rock and has been there since. I have seen sand and debris shooting from the hole, I am assuming he is digging his borrow out. They seem like fun and beautiful fish, I just haven't seen him in all his glory yet. I have spied on him with a flash light at night to see him in his hole just to make sure he was still alive and didn't jump out of the tank.
I am worried however that he is not eating enough, if at all.
When will he eventually come out?
After spending $120 on this little guy and putting up egg crate all over the top of my tank, I don't want him hiding in my rock work for the rest of his life.


Active Member
I would give him some time. They will eventually come out, but usually need to establish their home. He's probably eating but you're just not seeing him eat.


Maybe you should mention that you put it in a 70G tank with a yellow tang, naso tang, and a TRIGGER
It probably became lunch....or is hiding for its life
I was about to post in your other thread, but changed my mind....YOUR tank is too small for the fish you have, and I really do not think the combination will work together


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/381431/blue-spotted-jawfish-very-shy#post_3322245
Maybe you should mention that you put it in a 70G tank with a yellow tang, naso tang, and a TRIGGER
It probably became lunch....or is hiding for its life
I was about to post in your other thread, but changed my mind....YOUR tank is too small for the fish you have, and I really do not think the combination will work together
Oh my, that definitely changes things.


How so? The Niger Trigger is small, my LFS assured me that I was going to be okay with my fish combo. I informed them everything I had and they said he will be fine.
The Trigger hasn't bothered, or he might not even know that there is a Jawfish in the tank.
Also the 70 gallon is tall, its a custom tank size, 36 wide 18 inch deep 21 inches high.
Don't know if that makes a huge difference but it isn't a 70 gallon your are expecting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clownfish4 http:///forum/thread/381431/blue-spotted-jawfish-very-shy#post_3322242
Hi everyone,
I purchased a Blue Spotted Jawfish 3 days ago and I haven't seen him since!
See post below
Originally Posted by clownfish4 http:///forum/thread/381431/blue-spotted-jawfish-very-shy#post_3322268
How so? The Niger Trigger is small, my LFS assured me that I was going to be okay with my fish combo. I informed them everything I had and they said he will be fine.
You do understand that many LFS are a business and rely on sales, and I would have to believe in your situation they were just trying to make a sell. There are a few reputable ones out there, but they are few and far between. I would recommend purchasing a good book or two for you to be educated on your fish selection before heading to the LFS and while in the LFS. This will help ensure the fish entering the tank are compatible.

The Trigger hasn't bothered, or he might not even know that there is a Jawfish in the tank.
Also the 70 gallon is tall, its a custom tank size, 36 wide 18 inch deep 21 inches high.
Believe it or not, this makes your situation worse with the fish combo you have selected. You have tangs, a trigger & the jawfish in the tank. The tangs and trigger require a large swimming space. The small width of your tank drastically reduces the swimming space. Ever see Finding Nemo? Dory the tang keeps saying "just keep swimming". Why? It is the tang's nature to just keep swimming. If the fish does not have the adequate space, it will stress out.

Don't know if that makes a huge difference but it isn't a 70 gallon your are expecting.
Originally Posted by clownfish4
Also the Jawfish was in there before the trigger. How is this possible? See above quote.


Active Member
Hey, I gave honest advice. I was not mean and gave reasons on why you are having the issues that you are having. You are having issues with a Naso tang, the jawfish and the trigger, right? I think you need to examine the bigger picture if you want to be successful.

scott t

Active Member
+1,000 There Gemmy, I Agree 100, I don't understand why Newbies to this Hobby don't do their homework before they run out and get Fish and throw them into a tank. I have been researching and asking questions for over a year and have yet to set up my tank. I feel now that I have researched and asked those questions that I am ready to move forward and set up my tank. I am sure that after my tank is set up that I will have issues to deal with but I will be better prepared to deal with those issues since I did all my research before I set the tank up.
I think that the OP should do some research and get a better understanding or how a SWF tank works, what fish are compatible with each other, what fish can go in that size tank. I think if they did that they would have less problems and issues to deal with.
Just my .02


I am concerned of the Jawfish hiding, you don't need to lecture me. I understand that the LFS is in need of business, but I have two close friends that are experts in this hobby and have been through years and years of success and failure, I too have 5 years of experience and they agreed that the fish are fine together in a 70 g tank. The only concern was that the Naso tang and the yellow tang I have might fight, If so, he recommended buying another tang to break up the 2.
He has kept a powder blue tang in a 55gallon and was very healthy and lived long, and this is amazing because you should know that powder blue tangs "should" be in 200 gallon size tanks and up.
He also said that the Trigger would have already set boundaries and would have fought with fish he "doesn't like" so far he hasn't bothered anyone.
I know this hobby can be unpredictable, but you have to give people a break sometimes.
Also don't question my experience, combine me and my 2 expert friends and we have over 20 years of experience.
I wont be posting on here anymore...everyone just wants to be experts and flame you over everything you do wrong, we all have had our failures.
Thanks anyways


Originally Posted by clownfish4 http:///forum/thread/381431/blue-spotted-jawfish-very-shy#post_3322307
I am concerned of the Jawfish hiding, you don't need to lecture me. I understand that the LFS is in need of business, but I have two close friends that are experts in this hobby and have been through years and years of success and failure, I too have 5 years of experience and they agreed that the fish are fine together in a 70 g tank. The only concern was that the Naso tang and the yellow tang I have might fight, If so, he recommended buying another tang to break up the 2.
He has kept a powder blue tang in a 55gallon and was very healthy and lived long, and this is amazing because you should know that powder blue tangs "should" be in 200 gallon size tanks and up.
He also said that the Trigger would have already set boundaries and would have fought with fish he "doesn't like" so far he hasn't bothered anyone.
I know this hobby can be unpredictable, but you have to give people a break sometimes.
Also don't question my experience, combine me and my 2 expert friends and we have over 20 years of experience.
I wont be posting on here anymore...everyone just wants to be experts and flame you over everything you do wrong, we all have had our failures.
Thanks anyways
Nobody wants to be experts seems apparent to the supposed ones you are talking too are NOT
Think about this....if the tank is too small for 2 tangs, and they fight, how would adding another help
,,,see the issue there
You are adding fish that are in too small of a tank, and NOT compatible.....If you don't wnat GOOD ADVICE...which I can gaurantee you will get here....then by all means....go to your buddy experts....BUT I can assure will have nothing but problems

scott t

Active Member
You were told why the Jawfish is prob. hiding but you will not take that is the reason why it is. Let me put it to you this way.. Let us take you and your 2 experts and put you in a 5' X 5" room and leave you there and see how you fair. Sure for a time you will do just fine, but as time goes by you will be trying to compete for room, then you will start fighting over that room, then maybe at some point you will kill one another be cause the area is not big enough for all 3 of y you to live in. That is what other who have given you advice are trying to tell you.. There is just not enough room in that small of a tank for all of those fish. That is the plain and simple fact of the matter. You can take that advise from other on here or you dont have to that is your choice. I am not expert in the hobby and dont claim to be, I only claim what I have read from experts that have dedicated their lives to studying Marine Life.


You know I am sorry, But every time I post something on these forums I always get burned by someone, they NEVER answer my question and always point to my tank size.
Again, this forum isn't helping anyone, can you please tell me where I can delete this forum?


Originally Posted by clownfish4 http:///forum/thread/381431/blue-spotted-jawfish-very-shy#post_3322317
You know I am sorry, But every time I post something on these forums I always get burned by someone, they NEVER answer my question and always point to my tank size.
Again, this forum isn't helping anyone, can you please tell me where I can delete this forum?
Your problem seems to be that if you don't like the answers, we are not helping....which in fact we are trying to.....
If you don;t want to be a part of this forum...THEN SIGN OFF!!!!!


Active Member
Clownfish4 - there are alot of really good people on this forum, years and years of experience. You should really try to listen to them they are just being very honest and they do care alot. I was very close once to putting a tang in my 65 but these good people stopped me. Good luck with everything.


Ill sign off for good this time as soon as I delete these forums. I wanted to give this website another try but unfortunately it still is the same, you wonder why I haven't been on here in 3 years!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/381431/blue-spotted-jawfish-very-shy#post_3322244
I would give him some time. They will eventually come out, but usually need to establish their home. He's probably eating but you're just not seeing him eat.
Originally Posted by clownfish4
You know I am sorry, But every time I post something on these forums I always get burned by someone, they NEVER answer my question and always point to my tank size.
Again, this forum isn't helping anyone, can you please tell me where I can delete this forum?
See, I gave advice in the beginning.
You have started 3 different threads, with 3 different issues. What is the common denominator? They are all housed in the same tank that is small for them. I think the fact that the tank is deep and short is compounding the situation.
Good luck with your tank!
Just click the X in the right hand corner and the forum will be gone.