Blue spotted jawfish


Active Member
Beautiful fish and definitely worth the money. A good friend of mine has one. Very personable. Not an easy fish to keep though. Make sure before you buy one, it is eating well beforehand. Also, make sure your tank is totally enclosed and there is no holes for him to escape out of.


Active Member
In the past, there were issues of many of them coming in with bacterial infectons and they died early on. Recent batches seem to be faring a bit better. As mentioned, be sure the fish looks healthy and is eating.


Active Member
They are also almost exclusively imported from the Baja coastal region of Mexico. The water temps are more in the 72-76°F range, then the typical 78-82°F temps we, or perhaps more importantly, the collectors and distributors keep their holding tanks at. While I'm pretty sure a week's worth of 5 degree warmer doesn't kill the fish, uncomfortable conditions that prevent this fish from eating for a week, might put the nail in the coffin.
I've lost count of the number of wire-thin BSJ's I've seen at the LFS's. They are rather active for a bottom-dwindler, and perhaps the typical tiny holding tanks play a role as well.
But if you find a healthy blue spotted jawfish, that's eating well, and you can keep your tank a little colder then normal, he should be a great fish.