Blue spotted Puffer hooked on live brine


I just bought this fish about a week ago. He is small only about 1-2 inches. He won't eat anything but live brine. I have tryed other things but he won't accept them and after two days I always break down and get him live brine.
So far I have tried: flakes, pellets, frozen Brine Plus, Frozen mysis shrimp, and frozen meat eaters mix (blood worms etc)
Does anyone have a good trick to get fish unhooked from live foods?

sinner's girl

next time you feed him live brine add a little frozen brine (maybe un-freeze it first). let the fish get a taste of it...see if he eats the non-live by mistake...then increase the amount of frozen brine...
doing this works with other fish...ween him off the live slowly...don't know if it will work but it might be worth a try.
also ask what he was eatting at the lfs (or where ever you got him), and how long he was there. if he's fresh from the wild he's not used to frozen food.
good luck.


Active Member
I know the fish are not related but I had a cardinal that did the same thing. He would not eat anything except live brine for the longest time.
I finaly got him to eat frozen blood worms, but you said you tried that already. Are you using pure blood worms or is it a mix of some sort?
Many fish truely love the live brine though. I think it brings out there natural instincts.