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Interesting thought, can you breed them? I know there are some reefers who have successfully had clams reproduce in closed systems, just not sure about Squamosa's.
I know there are no external signs, but is there any way to distinguish M/F?
Would 2 blue Squamosa's produce blue offspring or is the blue color random?
Whats the origin of this particluar color or rather is there a centralized area where they seem to come from.
I haven't thought about breeding it yet. I think this one's got a bit of growing to do first. For sure clams can be bred and raised in captivity, as many clams sold on the market are aquacultured from various places all over the Indo-Pacific. Breeding is actually the easy part. Raising them is the challenge. I'm not sure if 2 blues will produce all blue offspring. Breeding my blue squamie with my black/white maxima would certainly be interesting.
I know blue squamosas are found in N. Australia, Solomons, and Tonga, but I'm not sure of anywhere else though I'm sure there are other places.