Blue Squamosa

ledzep fan

Active Member
Where did you get one? Do you know where I could get one? Any way you could hook me up with getting one? BEAUTIFUL is all i can say


Active Member
Thanks for the comments everybody! :)
LedZep, I picked this guy up from a local retailer. Blue squamies are extremely rare and even the most avid clam collectors will have trouble finding one. I've only seen a few for sale in the past 3 years and they cost big $$. Good luck on your search though.
Here's one more top-down I really like:


Are they difficult to take care of?
What are we talkin about big bucks?

ledzep fan

Active Member
you should get another one and breed them
I'd buy one from you. You mind sending me a PM to the site of the retailor or some navigation towards it?

ledzep fan

Active Member
Also, is 185 dollars worth the money for a 6''+ ????? I've found one and thats the price. What do you think? it is not as blue as yours but there are a ton of blue dots on it. The clam looks like murphs a little.


Active Member
Rubberduck, gold squamies aren't hard to find, but the blue dots are always a little bonus.

bakersdozen, these blue ones aren't any harder to care for than any other squamosa. All blue squamosas usually retail for $600-800+ for 3-4", but I've never seen blue with blue dots like this one.
LedZep, sorry we're not allowed to share links, even by PMs even though it's not really enforceable. 150 for one that size is pretty steep. 100-120 is a little more reasonable.


Active Member
Interesting thought, can you breed them? I know there are some reefers who have successfully had clams reproduce in closed systems, just not sure about Squamosa's.
I know there are no external signs, but is there any way to distinguish M/F?
Would 2 blue Squamosa's produce blue offspring or is the blue color random?
Whats the origin of this particluar color or rather is there a centralized area where they seem to come from.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Interesting thought, can you breed them? I know there are some reefers who have successfully had clams reproduce in closed systems, just not sure about Squamosa's.
I know there are no external signs, but is there any way to distinguish M/F?
Would 2 blue Squamosa's produce blue offspring or is the blue color random?
Whats the origin of this particluar color or rather is there a centralized area where they seem to come from.
I haven't thought about breeding it yet. I think this one's got a bit of growing to do first. For sure clams can be bred and raised in captivity, as many clams sold on the market are aquacultured from various places all over the Indo-Pacific. Breeding is actually the easy part. Raising them is the challenge. I'm not sure if 2 blues will produce all blue offspring. Breeding my blue squamie with my black/white maxima would certainly be interesting.

I know blue squamosas are found in N. Australia, Solomons, and Tonga, but I'm not sure of anywhere else though I'm sure there are other places.


Active Member
I knew that other clams were tank raised and farmed, but wasn't sure if Squamosa's would spawn in captivity.....Can you imagine a Black White & Blue one......