Thats what it said on a web-page where you can buy them....
Species with an (R) designation are not covered under our 7-day guarantee and should only be purchased by the expert marine aquarist, zoo, or research institution. They either do not ship well, grow too large for the average aquarium, or do not acclimate well to the home aquarium.
In the wild, it is capable of regenerating a new starfish from just about any piece of its body that may break off. In the home aquarium, this is far less likely. It is very intolerant of sudden changes in salinity and pH of the water and cannot tolerate copper-based medications. As an adult, it generally is a loner but will tolerate other starfish and amiable fish in the well-established aquarium. It should never be exposed to air while handling; it prefers to be kept submersed.
Hope this helps