Blue Starfish


Active Member
How is the blue starfish in a reef tank? Would it hurt fish or just be beneficial to a tank? I really like the way they look and I am interested in getting one. Thanks a lot


I've had two of these, and they both died. And my water peramiters are excellent. They are hard to keep, don't waste your money. Anyone else have problems with these guys dying?


billyv, how long did you acclimate your stars for ? they are very sensative to changes in SG. they should be acclimated over a peroid of hours. that may have been your problem. ebeckles, blue linkias(sp?) are good starfish for a reef since there one that is reef safe. if you decide to get one just make sure you acclimate him properly. some people use the drip method over a peroid of hours.


Active Member
hey thanks for the advice... i think i'll try it out...they're not too expensive..(i've lost MUCH more expensive things then a 10-20 dollar star fish!!) I'll use the method that tells you to use. It takes a while to do but it works for the most part i think.


Member just gave me 2 blue stars today on accident with a wrong shipment. I'm afraid I didn't acclimate them long enough (I couldn't get to this board to get opinions), I treated them like the other inverts. I hope I didn't doom them.