Blue-Stripped clown need help


My LFS just got a shipment of Blue-stripped clowns in...i think i saw 3 there. anyway i was wondering if it would attempt to host my LTA. i tried a search but no luck and the referance thread thomas712 wrote didn't say anything about them and what they would host. The LFS told me they were MAC certified. which i guess means they were caught in the wild using non-harmful methods like druging or netting. Any input on these cool clowns would be helpful.


Whether or not they host the anemone should be your last concern. Chrysopterus are notoriously difficult clowns to acclimate, usually dying on most within the first few weeks. Make sure your QT is prepared and you have the proper meds to treat them.
Then, if they make it, like Viper said, maybe-maybe not.


well i dont have QT and i've been lucky so far. is there anyway to acclimate it the easiest for the fish??? i recieved a LTA 3 weeks ago and put it in their after acclimateing it and it's doin great. so hopefully luck is still in my favor cuz the fish is en route to my house! :scared:


ok so for the best aclimation possible u need temp, light and chemistry acclimation so for light keep the bag closed ontill u get in the room ur tank is in thenturn off all the lights in the room and aquarium lights and shut blinds and currtens
for temp float the bag in ur tank for 20 min atleast might want to try 25 or 30 (so they are at the exact same temp)
then get a clean bucket dump the water out of the bags in to it u may have to tilt it to make it so the fish are completely submerged
for light still put a towle or something over the bucket (NOT IN THE WATER!!!) so the light dosnt come in
for chemistry then set up a syphon from ur tank in to the bucket make a not in it and tighten it till about 4 drops a second is comming out then let it drip in to the bucket for atleast 2hrs maybe even 2 and a half
after its done dripping u need to take the lid towle or whatever u used of the bucket wait for 5-10 minutes turn the turn the lights in the room on and open currtens then add the fish to the tank and wait 5-10 minutes then turn the lights in the aqurium on for light acclimation
this will be a easy acclimation process for ur clowns

good luck


i think u should get a pair by the way :happyfish :happyfish looks cool when they hang out together
to pick out a pair if u get them for an lfs and they r all in the same tank get the biggest and smallest ones that will insure its a female and a male
even if u want the 2 big beasts in the tank or the 2 tiny cuties still get the biggest and smallest cause the will fight till the death if its two females or two males
the biggest will be the female and will be dominate
the littlest will be male
again good luck


well i acclimated him yesterday and it was a success!!! :joy: as soon as i put him the tank he swam right into my LTA and made it his home.
i think i'm gonna name him jaws cuz his teeth are huge!!! whats also really unique about him is he has 3 blue/white stripes, every pic i see only has 2. is he a special kind. he his definately my coolest fish hands down. i know my luck has been really good to me and this tank but what are the chances of a false perc and my new blue stripe mating.


they will never mate if u get another blue stripe clown that is smaller and a smaller one in the tank at the lfs they will be a pair no telling if they will mate or not but with a pair in a anemone its a good chance
i would never suggest having to females of diffrent species in the same tank!! onless its big enough for it. what size tank do u have?
if i were u i would take back the false perc and get another blue striped


well the false perc is about half the blues' size and they dont really confront with each other. my friend wants the false perc so i might give/trade it to him.


you should do that! :cheer:
how big is ur tank?? i would love to see pictures and a invert coral and fish list!!!


i have 40 gal. cube tank. it's 20in.x20.x24in deep. for lighting i have a 175MH w/ a 10K bulb. and atinics. for filteration i have a protien skimmer and a penguin 330. Live sand and about 35-45 lbs of live rock.
False percula
Blue-Striped Clown
Coral Beauty
Striped Damsel
10 red-legged hermits
4 blue-legged hermits(pick them out as i see them)
10-15 nassarius snail
2 mexican turbo snails
2 large margarita snails
1 emerald crab
2 peppermint shrimp
Blue, Red, Greenish Red
Pure white w/ neon green center(grew with barely anylight when little)
Candy-Cane Coral(small)
Brain Coral(half-dead, starting to come back though)
3 Leather Corals
This plate coral thing i got for free it's kinda tan w/ green polyps
Feather Duster
LTA(about the size of a basketball when fully open)

I would try to get pics but my camera isn't the greatest. if i can borruw my friends i'll try to put some up.


Originally Posted by nolesfan06
whats also really unique about him is he has 3 blue/white stripes, every pic i see only has 2. is he a special kind.

Chrysopterus only have two stripes with either a white or yellow tail, it's most likely a clarkii. Can you post a pic?


Well my bluestripe has two stripes on it's body and a thrid right on his tail and he definitaly has blue stripes, if a clarkii can have blue stripes than i don't really care cuz he is an awesome fish! i would put a pic on here but my camera doesn't give out the greatest color so i'll try to burrow my friends and post one.


Active Member
Fish base and google images do show three stripe morphs of A. chrysopterus, aka orangefin. They also say they host in Entacmaea quadricolor, Heteractis aurora, Heteractis crispa, Heteractis magnifica, Stichodactyla haddoni, and Stichodactyla mertensii. Another site says they prefer the Aurora, IDK, also found another site that says they are know more difficult than any other as long as collection and shipping ect. is done properlly as with any other.


Google just pulls pics/info from other sites, which means people have mis-identified them on that original site, nothing new there. There's one clarkii ID'd as a chry on the first page of google images. Garbage in-garbage out. The fish base pic is of a small juvy, so in that case you are correct, it may have a third stripe for a short time, but it will grow out of it. Other species of clowns (allardi, melanopus (Vanuatu), black ocellaris) may have a blue tint to their stripes as well, including clarkii, nothing unusual about it.
noles, try to post a pic for a positive ID.