Originally Posted by
Be careful Blackjacktang.
Officers Smoothie and Dawman of the Tang Police don't take kindly to your tank situation. Article 10 sub paragraph 5 says, "Thou shall not have a Tang in anything but a Ocean."
Just kidding Guys! There was nothing wrong with your resplies just having a little fun.
When people ask any questions about Tangs the first thing some people do is go to your Online Profile to check your tank size. Anything less then a 125G and it's clobbering time. People are very passionate about fish here.
If your one Tang is less then 2 in. in size you'll be ok for a while. Chances are if you return it someone else will just buy with the same size tank as yours. Especially if you bought it at *****.
I can't tell you what to do with YOUR tank, it's your choice but it would not be good to add anymore Tangs to your tank. Tangs are very territorial and in a tank that size they will probably fight to the death.
What I would do is stop buying fish be happy with what you have and save, save, save and buy the biggest tank you can! You won't regret it! Again your tank, your choice.
Very funny David...I just got let out of Tang Prison for posting that I had an Achilles and a Naso in a 90 for 7 years (well 5 for the Naso)...I was young and inexperienced, I have learned my lesson...Perhaps if I get the water right in my 16,000 gallon swimming pool the Tang Police will allow me another chance....also just having a little fun guys.