Blue Tang hitting rocks???


I dont know whats wrong with my small blue tang but for some weird reason he hits him self onto the liverocks. When I first got him he looked really pretty but now when I look really close up at him he has all these marks all over himself!
What does that mean?
Does your blue tang do that?
How could I get him to stop it?
Thanks alot.


Active Member
Most likely it is ich.Cryptocaryon irritans. Can you give more specifics to your set up? How long set up,what size? What other tankmates,skimmer,water parameters?? Your best bet to help him is to set up a QT tank and treat him with hypo-salinity. Can you get a pic of him?


Well the tank is 60gallons and I know you say its small but its just till he gets bigger, he is really small right now. There is a yellow tang, a blenny, 2 clownfish, dottyback, and coral beauty angel.
Its been set up for 2 months.
I think it would be kinda hard to take a picture of him.
Do you know why he is doing that though?


Active Member
Ich is a parasite,it gets into the fish and irritates him. He is trying to knock off the parasites.
I recommend that you start reading and researching this hobby. You are keeping alot of fish for such a young tank. Please slow down and don't add anything else. There is a possibility that the other fish have or will have it as well. What happens is the fish gets stressed and it loses it's slime coat which makes him susceptible to the parasite's attack.Saltwater fish,especially regal tangs,are prone to diseases when kept in cramped quarters. This tank should have matured before adding tangs and an angel.I would keep a close eye on the angel..he would be my next suspect for disease. There is a disease and treatment forum here...I recommend that you start reading up on ich,hypo-salinity,and quarantine. The fish needs to be treated or it may get worse and kill him. If it is a mild case,and you can reduce his stress, you might try adding a little garlic or garlic extreme,and Selcon to his food. This boosts the immune system and gives him a chance to ward off the infection. There will be a period where the ich drops off and the fish looks better. The ich parasite is just regrouping and multiplying,and can come back worse than before. It is best treated with hypo.I would also suggest that you rethink your tank...remove at least one of the tangs.