Blue tang ich (just at night)


i have a 30 gal tank
blue tang
yellow tang
angel flame
2 cleaner shrimps
50 lb of live rock
magnum 350 bio filter.
change water today after 2 days of ich attack, my filter was super dirty (changed too) the test for amonia and everything else is good.
The concern is my blue tang, all the other fish apparently handle the ich right just normal stress, but my blue tang gets very agitated and full of ich at night, about 12pm. This last until 7am, and then the ich drops or something and i dont see any white spots, except the tang is veryyyyy pale and the black parts look brown.
This is the second day of the same behavior. Yesterday i dip it for 2 min in fresh water, and got streess like he normally gets at night. It looks like an asthma attack. I dont know if this is normal for blue tangs to get like that when ich attack them. I 've bein using ecolibrium (2 oz) every day. i reduce the cycle, instead of 24 hours i put it every 30 hours. I also added garlic and the tang use it to rub his body.
My cleaner shrimp tries to clean her and she does not like it so push him away.
please see picture, and if you have any advice to save dolly as my daugther calls her, let me know. thanks


Originally Posted by 30gal4fish
i have a 30 gal tank
blue tang
yellow tang
angel flame
2 cleaner shrimps
50 lb of live rock
magnum 350 bio filter.
change water today after 2 days of ich attack, my filter was super dirty (changed too) the test for amonia and everything else is good.
The concern is my blue tang, all the other fish apparently handle the ich right just normal stress, but my blue tang gets very agitated and full of ich at night, about 12pm. This last until 7am, and then the ich drops or something and i dont see any white spots, except the tang is veryyyyy pale and the black parts look brown.
This is the second day of the same behavior. Yesterday i dip it for 2 min in fresh water, and got streess like he normally gets at night. It looks like an asthma attack. I dont know if this is normal for blue tangs to get like that when ich attack them. I 've bein using ecolibrium (2 oz) every day. i reduce the cycle, instead of 24 hours i put it every 30 hours. I also added garlic and the tang use it to rub his body.
My cleaner shrimp tries to clean her and she does not like it so push him away.
please see picture, and if you have any advice to save dolly as my daugther calls her, let me know. thanks
your tank is way overstocked. I'm sorry blue tangs are liek ich magnets. blue tang should be a 100gallon. the blue tang has ich because he's way too stressed in a little home. Ich Attack I have heard of. it doesn't help at all. there;s only 2 ways that were proven to Kill ich. that is HYPO and COPPER. if you go with copper use it in a QT. if you go hypo move all your LR,INVERTS to a new tank. i think you should consider giving the 2 tangs back to the LFS or consider upgrading to much larger tank. if you took that picture at night .. he was probably sleeping.


i think your test kit is wrong. you can't possible have perfect water paremeters with 2 tangs in a 30gallon.


i don think i can change my login now, so ill tell you the bad news, the fish die this morning.
Time of death 4:34am. oh well. i will take your advise and return my other tang so he does not run in with the same luck.
thanks a lot ppl. this website is great.


Staff member
Please take a look at the ich post in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.
Also, you really can not acoomodate tangs in that size tank. Form the looks of that fish, he had a lot more wrong with him than ich.


Ich will not come and go. It may appear so, but you were probably only able to see it at night because of your lighting. It is a parasite that goes through stages. It will be on the fish, drop off and after that it becomes free swimming and attacks the fish. The only treatment is copper or hypo. It can only be killed in its free swimming stage, so treatment needs to be maintained for at least two to six weeks, depending on the method you use and how the fish tolerate it


i have a couple o questions.
should i use other methods to kill the ich or just stick to the ecolibrium for 2 weeks like the label says?
if i deside to isolate the fish can i put them together in a different tank?
how big can the Q tank needs to be?
What medicine has work for all of you, and for how long?
When i put the fish back in the tank, should i worried about the water, or should i change it completele before putting the fish.
What recomendation do you have for fish
i have the yellow tang
angel flame
2 cleaners
and 5 little ones in shels (forgot the name)
some suggested to remomve the yellow tang, trade it in or something.
thanks, if you cant answer all the Questions at the same time, one or two will be great.
thanks a lot for this great forum and the ppl that make it.


Originally Posted by 30gal4fish
i have a couple o questions.
should i use other methods to kill the ich or just stick to the ecolibrium for 2 weeks like the label says?
if i deside to isolate the fish can i put them together in a different tank?
how big can the Q tank needs to be?
What medicine has work for all of you, and for how long?
When i put the fish back in the tank, should i worried about the water, or should i change it completele before putting the fish.
What recomendation do you have for fish
i have the yellow tang
angel flame
2 cleaners
and 5 little ones in shels (forgot the name)
some suggested to remomve the yellow tang, trade it in or something.
thanks, if you cant answer all the Questions at the same time, one or two will be great.
thanks a lot for this great forum and the ppl that make it.
Hypo is the safest way to go, other than that it's copper. these are the ONLY 2 ways proven to kill ich. you can probably havea firefish goby with that list. a 10 gallon qt works.