Blue Tang in reef with Ich, no QT tank availible


Is there anything i can do other then moving my tang to another tank to either hypo or dose? I have a reef tank and don't have money this week to setup a hospital. Formalin bath?


Active Member
You can move all your rock and inverts to a tub with powerheads and hypo your dt. Formalin won't work. Copper and hypo only two ways to treat ich.


crap. well hopefully someone nice enough in the columbus area will let me borrow a hospital setup.


Active Member
I'm going through the exact same thing. Luckily I have a 12 gallon that had just damsels for my son, which I'm breaking down for one QT and someone lent me a 10 gallon for the other couple fish. You may hear people say things like "try rally" or "kick-ich worked for me" but don't waste your money. For every one person that says a non-copper medication worked for them there are 3 that say it didn't (including myself). It's best to just do it right the first time.
I look at it this way, I didn't have a QT setup or a refractometer because the total cost I estimated to be about $100 that I can't freely spend. However, I have about $100 worth of fish, a couple of which I've had since starting the hobby, so I'd rather not loose them, then spend another $100 on fish only to find out that I need a QT. Best just to get it out of the way. Especially since I'd like to upgrade in the near future and might want to be safe and QT all the incoming fish for that setup too.


Just to let you know, ***** has a sale for 20-55 gallon tanks. $1 for each gallon.