Blue Tang Question??????

roll tide

If I get a small one(1 1/2"), can I put him in a 55 gallon tank? Tank has some corals and has been running for 2 years or so. Thanks.


Active Member
I agree. Tangs usually become very stressed in a small tank, and usually come down with head and lateral line erosion because their needs of proper swimming space are not being addressed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
no tangs in a 55
I agree. Tangs usually become very stressed in a small tank, and usually come down with head and lateral line erosion because their needs of proper swimming space are not being addressed.


Active Member
If you only saw how much my kole tang swims and picks at the rock in my 210, you would have a different opinion on that one I think.
A friend of mine had a 90 gallon beautiful reef tank and tried a kole tang in there. He could not keep a kole tang for anything. He tried two different koles, and each lived for about 6 months.

sinner's girl

What tangs beside yellow would be recomended?
none, not even a yellow. I asked a while back about a yellow for my 75gl...the result was no. Not enough swimming room to keep a tang healthy and happy for the LONG TERM....sure you might be able to for few months, but that's the wrong way, imo, to look at a fish.


Active Member
I know a lot of you are totally against tang in small tanks, I agree with it too, but as long as the person is willing to upgrade the tank when the time comes. It would be just fine!!! I personally have been keeping a Yellow Tang in my 46 bowfront over a year now and she's moving into my 90g bowfront once I get everything going properly. I also keep a Naso Tang in my 55 gallon reef and he's doing just fine. Naso Tang grow rather slow so I don't have to worry about him anytime soon. All my fish are very healthy and happy right now!!! We are looking to upgrade when we move into a house this coming year. We're looking for 125+ gallons to put all of our fish into. So my point is as long as your willing to upgrade down the road, you'll be just fine keeping a tang in a smaller tank. I really do not suggest in keeping tangs anything less then a 55 though, especially for a newbie! One thing to remember if your keeping tangs, they NEED hiding places to feel comfortable!!! My tangs swims in and out of their hiding places. :happyfish


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
One thing to remember if your keeping tangs, they NEED hiding places to feel comfortable!!! My tangs swims in and out of their hiding places. :happyfish
Totally agree with that. The tank I aquired a few weeks ago has a 4" yellow. 75 gal, and only 1.5lbs of rockwork. So after buying about 25lbs (all I can afford at the moment), and removing the picasso trigger (a big source of stress.... for the fish and myself), I have seen a huge improvement. Not only has his color improved, no longer turning pale grey by evening, but his appitite has trippled. It would take him a few days to go through a small piece of dried algae, and now I have to replace it by evening.


Active Member
one thing I dont get is people say tangs are okay for 75 gallons but get their panties in a bunch when someone has one in a 55 gallon. Other than 5" narrower 75 and 55 gallon tanks have the same demensions. same length, same height. I fail to see how a 75 could be perfectly acceptable and a 55 so terrrible. Its not like a 48" 120g which looks wide and tall enough to swim in all directions. Most say a long tank is most desirable for tangs and active swimmers. and blue tangs, at least small ones tend to be skiddish. very much need hiding places (although somehow food seems to miraculously cure all their fears).


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishguy84
Totally agree with that. The tank I aquired a few weeks ago has a 4" yellow. 75 gal, and only 1.5lbs of rockwork. So after buying about 25lbs (all I can afford at the moment), and removing the picasso trigger (a big source of stress.... for the fish and myself), I have seen a huge improvement. Not only has his color improved, no longer turning pale grey by evening, but his appitite has trippled. It would take him a few days to go through a small piece of dried algae, and now I have to replace it by evening.
I have my Yellow Tang with a Picasso Trigger, they're best buddies!!! :happyfish


I have a 2 1/2 inch blue tang in my 55 with no immediate plans to upgrade unless we move out of our condo.


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
I have my Yellow Tang with a Picasso Trigger, they're best buddies!!! :happyfish
yeah, mine was probably dropped on his head as a baby though. :hilarious


Hi I have a 46 gal bowfront also and my tang seems to be fine he doesn't even swim a lot he is about 2 inches. I will give him to someone or a LFS when he seems to be to big for the tank but he eats well a 2 inch square of dried algae a day! As for his colors when the light goes off and he hides for the night he turns to a lighter yellow and a black sripe forms on him soon as the light goes on he turns bright yellow again. What is head and lateral line erosion by the way? So my tang seems fine in my opinion but please let me know if u disagree? Thanks


Active Member
head and lateral line errosion is caused by malnutrion or improper diet and water quality .effects are pitting of the head and lateral line of the fish if you look in the disease treatment forum you will get a more in depth discription and photos that beth has posted