blue tang


New Member
i had a blue tang for 2 months and just put in 2 more and they where all getting along now i lost all 3 of them what could have have caused this iam confused all water perimeters are good water change 2 weeks ago.

who dey

Active Member
i'm guessing your tank isn't over 150 gallons, i'd say thats the minimum for a tang trio. not to say there aren't exceptions. what did their diet consist of?

who dey

Active Member
you may read in various posts that brine shrimp have the nutritional value equal to potato chips!! tangs are herbavores which need a diet consisting of about 70%greens (should contain spirulina) and 30%meat in order to stay healthy. if you get more tangs, buy algae sheets and get some frozen mysis shrimp which is a better source of protien and vitamins


Active Member
How old is your tank?
How large is your tank?
What are your specific water parameters, esp ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, alkalinity and specific gravity?
What other fish do you have?
How much live rock do you have?


New Member
I have one blue tang also about the size of a silver dollar. I can not get mine to eat the sheets, I have even tried moving it around trying to find somewhere it would rather eat from. Any ideas ?


this is the diet for my tangs they eat all this for about 6 monhts no HLL, no discoloration. morning=little green seaweed, in the afternoon=little purple seaweed. at night 2 days of formula one and one night the marine cuisine(one small block). plus the algie that i have in the tank :happy: