Blue Tang


I noticed this morning that my Mimimc Tang, and singapore angel had bites taken out of their tails. When I got home from work today, i noticed my Blue Hippo Tang nipping at my angel and Mimic Tang. Now my mimimc tang is laying on its side breathing heavy. Any ideas what would cause my Hippo tang to freak out and become aggressive?
Please help me..


it is a 100 gallon FOWLR it has been established for well over a year. I tested my Nitrates and nitrites are at 0. I am having a bit of a red algae porblem. Also we had a very sevree thunder storm last week , and it knocked my power out for 8 hours. I do not have any back up pumps or anything, so water was sitting stagnant for 8 hours. The mimic tang has only been in my tank for two weeks. what do you think?


What else is in the tank?
Sounds like the hippo is getting aggressive and territorial because of tank size.


Weel, the Blue HIPPO is a juvenile. It is only 2-3 inches long. Besides the HIPPO, i have two ocilleris clowns a Mimid tang, a Singapore angel, and a diamond goby. That is hardly any livestock for a 100 gallon tank. I also have a cleaner shrimp and 20 snails.


How long have you had the hippo? All of those fish are well suited for that tank besides the hippo which will need a bigger tank in time. You have had the mimic for a week, how long have you had the singapore? It sounds like your blue tang is protecting what he considers to be his. Hippos can be ok in a smaller tank for awhile, but not if they have to compete with other tangs or if they feel threatened at all. The hippo does not want others in his small domain. Make some rational choices here. Either keep the hippo and add nothing else or find him a new home and add fish that will be compatable with your other fish.


Active Member
You could try rearranging your rocks to see if that will help, but I agree Hippo is deffending his home. Unless you start seeing others with this and then you may need to check for a bad hitchhikker or something. Good luck.